Education White Paper The NUT’s campaign and strike ballot
The White Paper proposals Forced academisation of all schools in England whether they want it or not whether they choose it or not whether they are successful or not Total de-regulation of pay and conditions for teachers and support staff Replacing QTS with “on the job” training Removal of requirement for elected parent governors in schools “Being a parent is not a skill set needed to be a governor.” Nicky Morgan
The NUT says the proposals are...
The wrong priorities The Government should be addressing the real problems of: teacher recruitment & retention pupil places increasing class sizes funding cuts to schools chaos in testing and assessment Instead Nicky Morgan says: “Teaching unions have a choice - spend the next four years doing battle with us and doing down the profession they represent in the process, or stepping up to work with us.”
The threat to pay & conditions So far most academies have stuck to national pay & conditions – but how much longer will they exist? The School Teachers’ Pay & Conditions Document would probably be abolished The Burgundy Book and local authority agreements would wither away
With no STPCD, we could lose: a national teachers’ pay structure the right to pay progression the 195 working days and 1265 directed hours limits the right to 10% minimum PPA time protection against cover and administrative tasks
... and with no Burgundy Book or local agreements we could also lose: sick pay from day one, full pay for six months maternity pay well above the legal minimum current notice periods & redundancy pay scheme policies on leave of absence, paternity leave etc local procedures for discipline, grievance, capability NUT officers with facilities time ready to help you All of these matters would in future be decided at MAT level.
Funding cuts make matters worse The funding freeze per pupil and higher NI and pension costs will cut the value of funding by 10% or more by 2020 Without extra money, a National Funding Formula will cut funding by much more in some areas Funding pressures are already threatening pay increases and progression Without extra funding and the protection of national pay and conditions, things will get much worse much faster
That’s why the NUT is balloting members for strike action The NUT is going to ballot members in all schools & academies for “discontinuous” strike action We are demanding more funding for better national pay and conditions that apply to all schools & academies We are seeking the support of all other education unions We are campaigning to defend education and balloting to defend our pay and conditions Ballot opens Monday 23 May Ballot closes Wednesday 22 June Intention is to call a one-day strike in July and announce additional autumn term strike dates as well We need a big turnout and a huge YES vote It is important that all members understand what we are doing, why we are doing it and when we are doing it.
Campaigning to defend education The NUT is seeking to build a broad alliance to campaign against the government’s proposals to force all schools to become academies Join us in: lobbying MPs and organising local and national protests asking councils to pass a model motion against the White Paper talking to parents and local politicians to get their support
These proposals are unpopular Here are just some of the critics… Trade unions Mumsnet: “Government plans are despicable” Financial Times & The Economist National Governors Association Local Government Association Labour and Liberal Democrats Conservative Chairs of Education, Conservative MPs and the Bow Group & 1922 Committee groups And many, many more
The ballot phone bank We need the highest possible ballot turnout to demonstrate strength of feeling If members feel confident and part of a collective, they are more likely to vote and take action We’re asking for volunteers to help call members and urge them to vote yes in the ballot Getting a call from another NUT member who understands the issues faced by teachers will make a vital difference – so to help with this hugely important task, please register at
What NUT reps need to do Hold a school meeting to explain the campaign and build the ballot Work with colleagues to ensure every NUT member votes – we need the biggest possible turnout Recruit non-members to the NUT Volunteer for the phone bank to call members in schools without reps and encourage colleagues to do likewise With colleagues, speak to parents and carers and circulate the NUT leaflet – and approach local councillors about supporting the NUT model motion
NUT members - Your Union needs YOU! This is the biggest attack on education and teachers for a generation BUT we have most voters and many other organisations on our side and the Government is divided – we can stop these proposals Every NUT member can help us build a campaign to stop them by voting YES in the ballot, volunteering for the ballot phone bank and joining in other activities Twitter #tellNickyNO #handsoffourschools Please vote YES in the ballot
We can win this dispute !