The Founding of Rome As you read this myth, take notes on the characters, which are listed on the next slide. Put your notes in the Civilization/Culture section of your notebook.
Our Main Characters & Locations Aeneas – a Trojan who founds the Latin race Ascanius – Aeneas’ son who founds Alba Longa Anchises – Aeneas’ father Creusa – Aeneas’ Trojan wife Troy – sacked by the Greeks Tyre – Dido’s homeland Carthage – Dido’s new land, of which she’s queen Latium – territory along Tiber River
After the Greeks had defeated the Trojans, Aeneas took his family to meet Trojan comrades outside the burning city. In the chaos of war, however, Creusa was lost in the crowd. Her ghost appeared to Aeneas that night. She wished him and Ascanius well. This band of Trojans set sail for a new land.
The Trojans had many adventures along the way. When they arrived in Carthage, they met Queen Dido.
Who is this woman Dido? Dido was an intelligent, fair ruler who was building a strong city. She fled from her homeland Tyre (which is next to Wheel!) because she feared for her safety. Her brother had already killed her husband, Sychaeus. When Dido arrived in North Africa, she had to prove herself. Tyre
She was told by neighboring chieftans (especially Iarbas) that she could rule as much land as she could encompass in a bull’s hide. She came up with a brilliant plan! She cut the animal hide into strips, pieced them end-to-end, and encircled a vast area that was to be known as Carthage.
When Aeneas arrived in Carthage, Venus disguised Cupid as Ascanius so Dido would fall in love with Aeneas. Therefore, Dido concentrated on Aeneas instead of her reign.
This would only lead to heartbreak.... Dido was so smitten that she neglected her duties as queen. The thriving Carthage was not her priority.
When Aeneas left Carthage, Dido killed herself. As Aeneas sailed away, he saw the flames of Dido’s funeral pyre.
Finally, Aeneas and his comrades come to Latium, which was in Italy. (Italy was called Hesperia at this time.) He and the Trojans ally themselves with King Latinus and the Latins, a tribe that Latinus rules.
Latinus betroths his daughter, Lavinia, to Aeneas. Turnus, Lavinia’s former suitor is angry and fights the Trojans and their allies. Ultimately, the war is decided in a hand-to-hand combat between Aeneas and Turnus. Aeneas defeats Turnus and marries Lavinia. Aeneas founds Lavinium, named for his wife.
Meanwhile, Ascanius moves a few miles away to found Alba Longa. His descendants rule there for a few hundred years. In the 8 th century BC, brothers Numitor and Amulius are supposed to share power. However, Amulius usurps that power.
In order to preserve his rule, Amulius has Rhea Silvia, Numitor’s daughter, become a Vestal Virgin. If she breaks her vow of chastity, she will be buried alive.
Mars, however, sees her and desires her. Rhea Silvia gives birth to the twins Romulus and Remus. They are destined to be rulers of a new city.
Romulus and Remus, whose lives are in danger by Amulius, are set afloat on the Tiber. They are eventually nursed by a she-wolf.
Then, a shepherd named Faustulus finds them and takes them home to his wife, Acca Larentia. They care for the twins until Romulus and Remus are grown and are ready to embark upon their next adventure – reclaiming the throne for Numitor.
After Romulus and Remus return Numitor to power and kill Amulius, they set out to found a new city. They find a suitable location in Latium and prepare to build the city walls. Next, they must decide on the name of the city. Therefore, they turn to augury, which is the study of animal entrails and birds’ flight patterns.
Romulus goes to the Palatine Hill; Remus goes to the Aventine. They wait for their respective omens.
Romulus sees 6 vultures on the Palatine Hill. Since he sees the omen first, he thinks that he’s been shown the more favorable sign. Remus, however, sees 12 vultures on the Aventine Hill. Since he sees more birds, he thinks that he’s been shown the more favorable sign.
The twins argue, and Remus is killed. Romulus founds Rome on April 21, 753 BC.