Aphrodite By: Rosaria Yang
Aphrodite’s Greek name is…
Aphrodite’s Roman name is… VENUS!
Aphrodite’s symbols Aphrodite's symbols are the scallop shell, the dolphin, doves, lovebirds, swans, golden apples, pomegranates and roses.
Aphrodite’s domain… Aphrodite’s domain is love, beauty, and the sea.
Aphrodite’s relatives… Zeus (father), Dione (mother), Anu (step-father), Hephaestus (estranged husband); Cupid (son); Aeneas (son, deceased); Harmonia, Leila (daughters), Psyche (daughter-in-law); Gaea (great-grandmother), Ouranos/Uranus (great-grandfather, deceased); Cronus, Rhea (paternal grandparents); Chiron, Hades, Poseidon (uncles); Demeter, Hera, Hestia (aunts); Prometheus, Typhon (half-uncles); Apollo, Ares, Dionysus, Hercules, Hermes, Enlil, Hadad, Ninurta, Martu, (half-brothers); Artemis, Athena, Eileithyia, Eris, Hebe, Helen of Troy, Persephone (half-sisters); Neptunia, Consus, Pomona, Vertumnus† (cousins); Iulus (grandson, deceased), Julius Caesar, King Arthur (descendants, deceased)
Aphrodite’s weapon Aphrodite's weapon was not a weapon it was simply a girdle used to compel anyone she wishes to desire her.
Aphrodite’s special powers Immortal mystical powers
Aphrodite’s personality Aphrodite was a very mercurial goddess -- her passions for mortals and other gods were pronounced. She had a temper and took revenge on many who she perceived as having wronged her or not given her her due worship. She also helped many sets of star-crossed lovers (Helen/Paris, Jason/Media, etc.). She also suffered when she loved -- re: the death of her favorite mortal, Adonis. She appears on the battlefield at Troy but always runs away when she is injured. A Goddess of many facets.
Aphrodite Aphrodite, in many of the late anecdotal myths involving her, is characterized as vain, ill-tempered and easily offended.
Aphrodite’s interesting facts Aphrodite was born on the sea foam near Paphos Aphrodite had a soft spot for Adonis and Ares. Aphrodite had a very bad temper
Bibliography http://www.testriffic.com/resultfiles/15909venus_original.jpg http://www.sacredcatalog.com/iambridge/images/art/Aphrodite-large.jpg http://youaks.com/media/quiz/goddess/aphrodite.jpg http://media.photobucket.com/image/heart/angelina_32/red_heart.gif http://images.buycostumes.com/mgen/merchandiser/31590.jpg http://okanaganchristianevents.com/wp-content/uploads/2007/05/love-westside.jpg http://www.popartuk.com/g/l/lgpp31184+the-love-gun-butterflies-and-love-poster.jpg http://api.ning.com/files/5s0KrC93p6Pm2qkOLGEwO9qq2STzPPXQ4CJ3cH6qryi5bG3kxWGuOERF9JswCgGEr0S-sezhvxB1yptlMXipi*VhDIKUDyFO/chem20love.jpg http://maxweber.hunter.cuny.edu/pub/eres/EDSPC715_MCINTYRE/sbSuperBean.jpg http://www.atlastours.net/jordan/dead_sea_sunset.jpg