Æneas By: Jeremy C. Ashley (Severus) Aeneas
General Information Son of Aphrodite (goddess of love) and Anchises Founded Rome Main character in the Aneid by: Virgil Only Trojan survivor besides his father and son AnchisesAphrodite Son of Aeneas
Literary Genealogy He was the third cousin of Hector He was nearly killed in combat by Diomedes of Argos Hector Ares Hector Vs. Ares
Aeneas in Virgil He had an affair with Elissa also known as Dido He discovered Rome before Romulus He was the ancestor of Romulus and Remus Queen Dido of Carthage. She fell in love with Aeneas after Pygmalion killed her husband. Also known as Elissa.
Physical Appearance Strong and handsome Aeneas son of Venus.
Aeneas and Tiber Aeneas meets Tiber. While away on a trip, Aeneas fell asleep on his ship. The river god Tiber spoke to him in a dream.
Aeneas Defeats Turnus Turnus was a king. He had everything. He killed Aeneas’s comrade and stole a sword from his corpse. He begged Aeneas to spare him. Aeneas considered it when he noticed the sword. He killed Turnus.
Aeneas tells Dido of the fall of Troy Dido queen of Carthage (a.k.a. Elisa) Aeneas tells Dido what befell him after the fall of Troy.
Aeneas carrying Anchises When Troy fell Aeneas and his father and his son fled. Aeneas had to carry Anchises because he was old and reluctant to leave Troy.
Source eas_in_Virgil eas_in_Virgil genzoman.deviantart.comgenzoman.dev iantart.com ancienthistory.about.com art-prints-on-demand.com camphalfblood.wikia.com answers.com
Sources Continued Powerlisting.wikia.com the-romans.co.uk tanea-london.net deviantart.com andreaskluth.org