BEGINNING OF ROME: ROMULUS AND REMUS VOCAB WORDS: Republic Origin E truscans Legend Legions
SETTLING ITALY Location attracted people for 1000 years Centrally located on Med. Can easily travel to Africa Move people/goods easily Had sunny, mild climate w/ fertile farmland Could support a large population Physical features influenced Rome’s growth Founded 15 miles away from Tiber River near Med. Sea Far enough up the river to avoid pirates Location on seven hills = protection from attacks
ORIGINS Legend about founding of Rome The Aeneid (written by Poet Virgil) Described what happened after Greeks captured Troy Trojan leader Aeneas married local Latin-speaking King’s daughter Known as the “father” of Rome Another story involves twins Romulus and Remus Female wolf raised them; shepherd found them and raised them as young boys Grew up and planned to build city on Tiber river Argued about construction, Romulus killed brother w/ spear Historically, little is known about Rome’s “birth” Archaeologists suggest around 5000 B.C. Around 2000 B.C.: Latin speaking group merges with previous group Between 800 and 700 B.C.: Marks “birth” of Rome
INFLUENCES Greeks 750 to 500 B.C.: Settled in farming villages Introduced grape and olive farming Passed on Greek alphabet; Adapted by Romans Modeled buildings, sculpture and literature after Greeks Etruscans Settled north of Rome in Etruria 650 B.C.: Moved south Took control of Rome Devoted themselves to the study of the arts Worked with copper, tin, lead and iron Taught Romans to build with bricks Passed on religious rituals and fashion Army would serve as a model for Rome’s
TOWARDS A REPUBLIC Greatly benefitted from the Etruscans Grew weary of them, though 509 B.C.: Overthrew leader (Tarquin the Proud) and established a Republic Republic: Form of government where citizens elect their leaders Still small when this happened; fought many of their neighbors 267 B.C.: controlled most of Italy Developed new strategies: fought in Legions (groups of men, normally 6,000 strong; each was subdivided into groups 60 to 120 soldiers)
WHO RULED ROME? Ruled effectively After conquering a region, built military outposts to protect it Stressed need to treat conquered people fairly Would then become loyal subjects This system gave people full citizenship Could vote and serve in gov’t Treated the same as other citizens under the law Other conquered peoples became allies Paid Roman taxes Were required to supply soldiers to fight for Rome Could run their own gov’t