Human Trafficking in MENA/Region Mixed Migration in North Africa Human Trafficking/Regional Overview
Migration in MENA countries: origin, transit & destination
Migration Routes Transit –Inter-regional migration from other African countries to North Africa and Yemen to Europe, GCC countries and Israel Destination –From South & South East Asia to MENA Region –Intra-regional Migration Origin –Internal displacement of populations
Factors Affecting Migration in MENA Region Geography: Gateway to Europe & Israel Socio-economic trends: –Labour migration to GCC countries (inter- regional) –Domestic Workers from South and South East Asia –West African Migrants going to North Africa Conflict & Political unrest –Migrants from the Horn of Africa –Internal conflict (Arab Spring, Syria crisis)
Forms of Human Trafficking in MENA Region Exploitation & extortion of smuggled migrants Exploitation of Forced Labour Forced begging & servitude Exploitation of domestic workers Transactional marriages
Signatories to the Palermo Protocol As of November, 2012: Algeria, Bahrain, Djibouti, Egypt, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Mauritania, Morocco, Oman, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Tunisia, Qatar, Iraq, Jordan, and United Arab Emirates (U.A.E.)
The Arab Strategy The Comprehensive Arab Strategy for Combating Trafficking in Human Beings (CASCTHB) Adopted by the Council of Arab Ministers of Justice Resolution 15/2/2012
Strategy Focus 1) Criminalizing all Types and Forms of Trafficking in Human Beings 2) Ensuring Effective Investigation, Indictment and Trial in Trafficking in Human Beings Crimes 3) Strengthening Prevention Measures and Procedures 4) Victim Protection 5) Strengthening Regional and International Cooperation in Combating Trafficking in Human Beings 6) Strengthening National Institutional Capacities for Combating Trafficking in Human Beings 7) Updating the Arab Model Law and Ensuring its Dissemination and Application 8) Ensuring the Coordination of Efforts to Combat Trafficking in Human Beings in the Arab Region
National Legislation In compliance with the legislative mandate of the Palermo Protocol, thirteen Arab countries have adopted comprehensive antitrafficking laws: Algeria, Bahrain, Djibouti, Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Mauritania, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Syria and the United Arab Emirates. The remaining nine states members of the League of Arab States have either adopted anti-trafficking provisions in their penal codes or are in the process of drafting a law. IOM is supporting the Yemeni Gov’ts to finalize TIP laws.
Challenges in Combating Human Trafficking MENA Region is a Target by organized gangs. Differences in the interpretations of the crime of human trafficking. Inadequate legislative framework. Different national legal systems in the criminal field. Weak regional and international cooperation. Ensuring a gender sensitive approach Weak data and research in region