Mark Swiger 2011
Definition from dictionary (suggested site: Definition in your own words: Examples/Facts/Characteristics What does it look like in art, Graphics or maps: Non Examples/Opposite Vocabulary Term Mark Swiger 2011 Developed by Mark Swiger Adapted from traditional Frayer Models.
Definition from dictionary (suggested site: government by the people; a form of government in which the supreme power is vested in the people and exercised directly by them or by their elected agents under a free electoral system. Definition in your own words: a type of government where the people vote for their representatives and have the ultimately say in what happens. Examples/Facts/Characteristics -people establish government -majority rules -written laws and constitution -elections -United States -Ancient Greece -Ancient Rome -Great Britain What does it look like in art, graphics, maps: Non Examples/Opposite -Cuba -North Korea -China -Saudi Arabia -Iran Vocabulary Term DEMOCRACY Mark Swiger 2011 Developed by Mark Swiger Adapted from traditional Frayer Models.