How to Become a NeuroChangeSolutions Trainer We are now accepting applications for our June 13-17, 2016, Train the Trainer Program in Denver, Colorado. If you are interested in learning how you can deliver an already developed workshop based on the science, models, and tools that Dr. Joe teaches to organizations, businesses, schools, health care organizations, government agencies, and not-for- profit organizations, please click below to learn how to apply to become a NeuroChangeSolutions Consultant.
Welcome This is a self-guided PowerPoint presentation regarding how to become a NeuroChangeSolutions certified consultant. Please review this information carefully in order to help you make the right decision for you and your business.
What This Presentation Covers TopicSlide # Meet the NCS Team4 Message from Beth Wolfson5-6 Minimum Requirements to Apply7 What This Program IS8 What This Program IS NOT9 Costs to Becoming a Certified NCS Consultant10 June TTT11 Application Process12-16 Overview of TTT Event17 Message from Suzanne Qualia18-19 Message from Florence Yaeger20 Next Steps21 3
Meet the NCS Team Beth Wolfson - NCS Program & Certification Director (slides 1-17) Suzanne Qualia - NCS Business Development Director (slides 18-19) Florence Yaeger - NCS Marketing Director (slide 21) 4
Welcome from Beth Wolfson How I will support you: Train the Trainer event: - Teach you how to deliver this program - Provide feedback and coaching - Create your individual plan for full certification Post Train the Trainer event to full certification: - Answer questions - View your video and evaluations and provide feedback Training Program - Continue to refine and update course materials - Provide feedback and suggestions during NCS calls and events - Continue to select ideal individuals to continue to grow the NCS business 5
Welcome from Beth Wolfson What is expected of you: Honesty with yourself regarding your desire and ability to grow your NCS business Openness to feedback Continue to practice and improve your NCS program delivery Teach the material as agreed upon in your NCS Consultant Agreement 6
Minimum Requirements to Apply 1.Must have completed Dr. Joe’s Intensive and Progressive events 2.Must have experience and competence teaching and facilitating groups of 10 or more people for a full-day course 3.Must have a current client list or ability to create NCS business within 6 months of becoming certified 4.Must be able to sell this program to at least 50 people in
What this Program IS A pre-developed standardized course (often referred to in organizations as an “off the shelf” course) A fully-developed program with slide deck, videos, workbook, journal, and audio CDs delivered by a NCS Consultant according to specifications in the annual NCS Consultant Agreement A standard format which can be “customized” with your examples, stories, training style, client focus, and follow-up consulting and coaching A neuroscience-based change course that can assist individuals and organizations to change how they think, act, and feel in order to achieve their desired sustainable results A stand-alone course to be delivered in 8 hours (one day or over multiple days) to which you can add follow-up consultation and coaching Currently only offered in English and Spanish 8
What this Program IS NOT Your chance to deliver Dr. Joe’s work on the “big stage” as in a large presentation or weekend event; Dr. Joe delivers these programs through Encephalon A complete organizational or cultural change process; this course supports individuals and organizations as they go through change processes Your opportunity to take Dr. Joe’s work and the Train the Trainer program to create your own programs using these materials A stand alone coaching program that has been mentioned by Dr. Joe at his events 9
Your Cost to Become a Certified NCS Consultant $4,000 paid to Encephalon upon acceptance as a participant What IS included in your TTT tuition: -5 days in the TTT certification program (including breakfast and lunch) -Pre-work correspondence -A set of participant materials -Consultant facilitator guide -PowerPoint slide deck to deliver program -Training videos -Access to Encephalon Customer Hub for all trainer resources What IS NOT included in your TTT tuition: -Dinners, hotel, miscellaneous expenses -Any costs associated with your practice sessions, video recording your training, submitting video and evaluations to Beth, flight and transportation to the event 10
June 2016 Train-the-Trainer (TTT) WHERE Denver, Colorado Fly into Denver International Airport (DIA) Meeting location to be provided at a later date Hotel options will be made available. WHEN June 13-17, 2016 Arrive by late afternoon on Sunday, June 12 (please be rested and ready for Monday) Depart after a full day on June 17 (or the following day) PRE- WORK There will be pre-work Plan on at least 20 hours for preparation AFTER TRAINING Depending on your training demonstration and your individual action plan, you will be required to deliver a minimum of 1 or 2 (possibly more) practice sessions within 3 months of the TTT (September 2016) CLASS SIZE Limited to 30 people Topic 11
Application Process to Final Decision Make payment and travel plans Make payment and travel plans Make your decision: Accept offer to attend Decline offer to attend Make your decision: Accept offer to attend Decline offer to attend Submit application Read all provided information Determine if this program is a good fit for you and your business Not all applicants will be selected, but you will receive a response by May 15, 2016 Schedule and hold 1:1 phone call or Skype call by Beth Submit application Read all provided information Determine if this program is a good fit for you and your business Not all applicants will be selected, but you will receive a response by May 15, 2016 Schedule and hold 1:1 phone call or Skype call by Beth 12
Acceptance into TTT and TTT Event Arrive by early evening June 12, 2016 Arrive by early evening June 12, 2016 Keep in touch: s To dos Keep in touch: s To dos Complete pre-work: Prepare to train Prepare for your business Complete pre-work: Prepare to train Prepare for your business 13
Process from Acceptance to Day 1 of TTT Create going forward plan Create going forward plan Participate Be 100% present 14
Post TTT to Full Certification Receive feedback for full certification & complete outstanding action items Receive feedback for full certification & complete outstanding action items Submit evaluations and video to Beth Submit evaluations and video to Beth Deliver practice sessions according to your individual action plan 15
Engagement and Success Work with NCS Marketing Director Work with NCS Marketing Director Work with NCS Business Development Director Work with NCS Business Development Director Participate in NCS group calls 16
Brief Overview of the TTT Event June 13Full day where you experience the course as a participant June 14Focus on understanding how to train and mini practice sessions June Each person will deliver a minimum of 1 mini presentation and receive feedback; Dr. Joe will be present for viewing and feedback June 17Focus on NCS business and planning development Note: Detailed agenda will be provided to each participant in advance of the event. 17
Message from Suzanne Qualia How I will support you: Business Development coaching: - What’s working? - What isn’t? - What support is necessary? Sales plan development Sales forecast to NCS What is expected of you: Engagement Creativity Tenacity Focus on your vision Possibility thinking Passion for the work 18
Message from Suzanne Qualia - con’t. What I will cover on Day 4 of TTT: 7 ways to clients Selling cycle Business planning 19
Message from Florence Yaeger How I will support you: Marketing coaching: - Coaching calls to help develop/hone your personal marketing plan - Defining your target audience, unique ‘why,’ and business vision Templates, worksheets, brand and style guidelines Marketing and communication best practices NCS website trainer promotion (i.e., bios) What is expected of you: Responsiveness Brand adherence Commitment Teamwork Outside-the-box thinking Positive attitude and energy 20
Next Steps If you feel this program is RIGHT for YOU and YOUR BUSINESS: 1. Download application from NCS website: 2. Submit application by April 30, 2016, to: 3. Await response from Beth 21