Project Ⅱ Task 4 shipping documents
Section 3 III. Ocean shipping documents Trade documents are generally classified into commercial documents, financial documents, transport documents, insurance documents and some other related documents. According to the modes of transport, different kinds of transport documents will be required. Here, as ocean transport is the major form of transportation, we would like to discuss further more about the shipping documents. 1.Shipping Order (S/O) Shipping Order is placed by the shipper to the carrier about the details of the cargo and the requirement for the transport. It is the basic shipping document for preparing other shipping documents.
Section 3 III. Ocean shipping documents Dock Receipt is an evidence of the receipt of the cargo in the, warehouse or on board the ship issued by the Captain or Mate of the vessel. It is used as a document to exchange for the bill of lading. However, it has no legal effect on the financial settlement. 2. Dock Receipt (D/R) or Mate’s Receipt (also shipping note)Dock Receipt (D/R) quay n. 码头 quay
Section 3 III. Ocean shipping documents (1)Definition of B/L The B/L is a receipt for goods shipped on board a vessel, signed by the person (or his agent) who contracts to carry them, and stating the conditions in which the goods were delivered to (and receipt by) the ship. It is the most important shipping document required to the legal ownership and facilitate financial settlement. 3. Bill of Lading (B/L) ascertain v. 确定, 探知 ascertain
Section 3 III. Ocean shipping documents (2)Three functions of B/L The bill of lading serves as: ① A receipt of goods signed by the carrier to the shipper or the consignor. The B/L formally indicates that the goods have been loaded on board or have been shipped on a named vessel, which means the consignor has fulfilled his responsibility for delivery. ② Evidence of the contract for carriage between the shipper and the carrier. The bill of lading becomes evidence of the terms in the contract of carriage when it is negotiated to a third party. conclusive a. 确实的, 最后的, 决定性的 conclusive
Section 3 III. Ocean shipping documents ③ A document of title to the goods, and the one who holds the B/L is regarded as the owner of the goods. According to operation of the symbolic delivery, the consignor can get payment only when he can provide the related B/L and transfer it to the consignee directly or indirectly. And the consignee, on the other hand, is able to take the delivery of cargoes with the arrival B/L. 4. Sea Waybill Sea waybill is a receipt of cargo, which, the contract of carriage between the shipper and the carrier. But it is non-negotiable and is therefore not a title document. incorporate v. 合并, 使组成公司 incorporates
Container transport is the way of transport making use of standard containers to hold goods and sever as a compartment in which freight is placed (as on a train or ship) for convenience of movement. Section 3 I. Introduction portable a. 可携带的, 可搬运的, 可移动的 portable II. Capacity and load volume There are 3 kinds of containers available in the container transport: 20 feet, 40 feet and 40 feet hicube.
Section 3 II. Capacity and load volume ContainerNominal DimensionCapacity Recommended Load Volume ExternalInternal 20 feet 20′×8′×8′6″19′4.25″×7′8.625″×7′10″ 1170 Cubic feet1000 Cubic feet 6.096m×2.438m ×2.591m 5.899m×2.353m×2.388m Cubic meter 28 Cubic meter 40 feet 40′×8′×8′6″39′5.375″×7′8.625″×7′10″ 2385 Cubic feet2050 Cubic feet m×2.438 m×2.591m m×2.353m×2.388m Cubic meter 58 Cubic meter 40 feet Hicube 40′×8′×9′6″39′5.375″×7′8.625″×8′10″ 2690 Cubic feet2350 Cubic feet m×2.438 m×2.896m m×2.353m×2.692m Cubic meter 66 Cubic meter Comparison of 3 Kinds of Containers
Section 3 III. FCL& LCL FCL— full container load, full carload LCL—less than container load, container load, less than carload, loose carload The FCL means the load reaches its allowable maximum (or full) weight or measurement. But, it doesn’t always mean packing a container to its full load or full capacity. LCL is the case that an exporter intends to pack a container to the full capacity or full payload with the consignments of two or more consignees for the same destination. And the carrier will charge the LCL freight according to each consignment. The FCL and LCL are different in terms of whether the “whole container” or “not the whole container” is intended for the consignee. loose a. 宽松的, 不精确的 loose
Section 3 IV. CY & CFS CY—container yard CFS—container freight station The CY and CFS are applied in the location of the cargo delivery and the manner of receipt in a container service.
Section 3 IV. CY & CFS The CY is the delivery or receipt of a whole container from (or at) the shipper’s or the consignee’s cargo yard or premises. The CFS is operated by the carrier for the receipt, delivery and or disassembling of loose cargo. Normally, the container freight station is a center for customs clearance. assemble v. 集合, 聚集, 装配 assembling
Section 3 V. Modes of container services Container transport generally offers 4 kinds of container services to fulfill different requirement of the consignment. They are CY/CY (door to door service), CY/CFS (door to port service), CFS/CY (port to door service) and CFS /CFS (port to port service). The following table will show us about the differences them.
Section 3 V. Modes of container services Four Modes of Container Services Modes of container services Requirement for the consignment Places for packingPlace for dischargeConditions of the container CY/CYDoor to doorShipper’s or forwarder’s premises Consignee’s premises FCL/FCL CY/CFSDoor to portShipper’s or forwarder’s premises Carrier’s container freight station at the port of destination FCL/LCL CFS/CYPort to doorCarrier’s container freight station at the port of origin Consignee’s premises LCL/ FCL CFS/CFSPort to portCarrier’s container freight station at the port of origin Carrier’s container freight station at the port of destination LCL/LCL