COPYRIGHT ©2002 Thomson Learning, Inc. Thomson Learning is a trademark used herein under license. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. C hapter 2 F undamental D ifferences B etween G oods and S ervices
COPYRIGHT ©2002 Thomson Learning, Inc. Thomson Learning is a trademark used herein under license. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. INTANGIBILITY: ASSOCIATED PROBLEMS Lack the ability to be stored Not protected by patents Not easily displayed or communicated Pricing is difficult
COPYRIGHT ©2002 Thomson Learning, Inc. Thomson Learning is a trademark used herein under license. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. INTANGIBILITY: SUGGESTED SOLUTIONS Use tangible clues/physical evidence Utilize personal sources of information Create a strong organizational image
COPYRIGHT ©2002 Thomson Learning, Inc. Thomson Learning is a trademark used herein under license. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. INSEPERABILITY: ASSOCIATED PROBLEMS Service provider is involved in the production process Other customers are involved in the production process (shared experience) The mass production of services presents special challenges
COPYRIGHT ©2002 Thomson Learning, Inc. Thomson Learning is a trademark used herein under license. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. INSEPARABILITY: ASSOCIATED PROBLMES Customer is involved in the production process: impact on the type of service desired length of the delivery process cycle of service demand service factory must be built with the customer’s presence in mind
COPYRIGHT ©2002 Thomson Learning, Inc. Thomson Learning is a trademark used herein under license. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. INSEPARABILITY: SUGGESTED SOLUTIONS Focus on the training and selection of public contact personnel Develop strategies to manage consumers Develop multi-site locations
COPYRIGHT ©2002 Thomson Learning, Inc. Thomson Learning is a trademark used herein under license. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. HETEROGENEITY: ASSOCIATED PROBLEMS Standardization and quality control are difficult to achieve
COPYRIGHT ©2002 Thomson Learning, Inc. Thomson Learning is a trademark used herein under license. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. HETEROGENEITY: SUGGESTED SOLUTIONS Customization Constructed to fit customer’s exact needs Increased profit potential Standardization Faster Less expensive More consistent
COPYRIGHT ©2002 Thomson Learning, Inc. Thomson Learning is a trademark used herein under license. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. PERISHABILITY: ASSOCIATED PROBLEMS Services cannot be inventoried Production and consumption cannot be separated by time and space Statistical sampling techniques cannot be used Marketing and production must work together
COPYRIGHT ©2002 Thomson Learning, Inc. Thomson Learning is a trademark used herein under license. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. DEMAND AND SUPPLY SCENARIOS Demand exceeds maximum available supply Demand exceeds optimum supply level Demand is below optimal levels of supply Demand and supply are at optimal levels
COPYRIGHT ©2002 Thomson Learning, Inc. Thomson Learning is a trademark used herein under license. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. STRATEGIES FOR ALTERING DEMAND AND SUPPLY Creative pricing strategies Reservation systems Complementary services Developing nonpeak demand utilizing nonpeak periods to prepare for peak periods appeal to different market segments with different demand patterns DEMAND STRATEGIES:
COPYRIGHT ©2002 Thomson Learning, Inc. Thomson Learning is a trademark used herein under license. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. STRATEGIES FOR ALTERING DEMAND AND SUPPLY Utilize part-time employees Share capacity Prepare in advance for expansion Utilize third-parties SUPPLY STRATEGIES:
COPYRIGHT ©2002 Thomson Learning, Inc. Thomson Learning is a trademark used herein under license. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. STRATEGIES FOR ALTERING DEMAND AND SUPPLY Increase customer participation Advantages: convenience price customization Disadvantages: loss of control over service quality may be perceived as an attempt to distance form from customer SUPPLY STRATEGIES:
COPYRIGHT ©2002 Thomson Learning, Inc. Thomson Learning is a trademark used herein under license. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. THE ROLE OF MARKETING IN A SERVICE FIRM Different functions are interwoven Marketing must maintain closer relationships with other departments Marketing, operations, and human resources should work together.