LOGO Work in RCARO Shi Shuhui Project Officer Department of International Cooperation Department of International Cooperation Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences 23 Sep.2009
Content Background of Success Stories Background of Success Stories Lessons Learned from RCARO Recommendation of SuccessStories Recommendation of Success Stories General Suggestion
Background of Success Stories
Objective of Success Stories (1) In order to increase the awareness of the outcomes from RCA projects, RCARO has published Success Stories in various areas. The specific objectives of Success Stories were: To attract significant donor and other sources of funding to the RCA programme, to ensure its sustainability, on identifying, compiling and preparing its achievements in the form of interesting and well presented success stories;
Objective of Success Stories (2) To demonstrate that RCA has the resources, capability, knowledge and ability to address and contribute to the solution of problems in the region that are having a socio-economic impact; To deliver the message about what the RCA has to offer; To earn recognition as a regional resource community in Nuclear Science and Technology capable of providing high impact solutions to development problems in the region.
1 st batch of Success Stories The first batch of the 5 Success Stories was printed and published in 2007.
2 nd batch of Success Stories The second batch of the 4 Success Stories was printed and published in 2008.
3 rd batch of Success Stories proposed 4 drafts of success stories to be published in third batch four Success Stories will be wrote in the new format
New Format A. TITLE OF THE PUBLICATION A suitable title of the booklet publication B. BACKGROUND OF THE PUBLICATION This part is introductory chapter of the proposed publication in booklet form. It should provide background information on the publication, including : 1) Objectives of publication of RCA SSs 2) History of publication of RCA SSs 3) Summary of RCA projects completed and the successful results produced 4) Description of criteria of selection of these RCA SSs (To be boxed) : Brief introduction to RCA Programme and RCA activities including procedures of implementation of RCA projects C. SUCCESS STORIES This part of the publication contains the selected 4 stories, each of which will comprise the following contents 1) A title of the story A suitable title of the story (not necessarily the title of the RCA project) 2) Summary of SS for public consumption This portion of the story gives a brief summary of success story on the relevant RCA project(s), equivalent to the past leaflet type publications, for those readers who would not need detailed information.
New Format 3) Background of the project This portion of the story defines the problem and need linked to MDGs as addressed by the RCA project(s). It gives a technical background of contribution by nuclear science and technology applied to solve the problem. 4) Objective of the Project The objectives of the project(s) are given here in connection with the problem/need as defined in the background. 5) Contents of the Project This portion of the story covers the key information on the relevant project (s) including : - Participating MSs, year of approval, period of implementation, implementation details with budget (allocation table for different heads) - Description of nuclear techniques used, research methodology adopted by RCA MSs - Advantage of nuclear technique used over conventional solutions to the problem (for example : cost benefit, time-saving, environment-friendliness, sustainability, etc.) - Description of nuclear technology infrastructure available in RCA region with a brief description of technical details If necessary, some part of the information could be boxed in to attract attention of readers. 6) Results and Impacts This portion of the story highlights the major outputs and outcomes from the implementation of the relevant RCA project(s), such as : - Utilization of project results - Contribution to scientific and technical development
New Format - Personnel trained - International cooperation 7) Lessons Learned and Future Prospects This portion of the story provides the following aspects, among others : - General assessment of the project - Lessons learned and issues to be resolved for better future development and sustainable implementation of the technology used - Potentials of the project and techniques that could bring further socio-economic impacts in the region 8) Further Information on the Project This portion provides practical information for those who desire to have further information on the relevant RCA projects, such as : - PLCC and NPCs (contact points for more details) - Other useful links (website, etc) D. Supplementary Stuffs The publication is to be supplemented with suitable photographs, graphs, tables as necessary at suitable places to make the publication more attractive and attention-grabbing E. Annex: Previously published SSs The past publication of 9 RCA success stories in leaflet form could be added as annex for reference
Lessons Learned from CARO
Activity in RCARO (1) July 2009 Jeju As an rapporteur in RCA Workshop on the Partnership Promotion and Sustainable Development 29 July 2009 Wolsung Visit to Wolsung Nuclear Power Plants to get hands on experience related to Korean nuclear facilities 31 July 2009 Seoul City tour by RCARO and had fruitful conversation with MEST. Company Logo
Activity in RCARO (2) 14 September 2009 Daejeon Write the success stories on the topic of soil erosion in the new format. 17 September 2009 Daejeon Visit to the Hanaro High Advance Neutron Application Reactor to know some information on the neutron science and its application. 24 September 2007 Daejeon Presentation on introduction of CAAS and RCARO success stories for RCARO staff members. Company Logo
Lessons learned Understanding about the operation of RCARO for the enhancement of RCA. Acquired an experience how to organize the workshop or conference. Understood importance meetings and congresses related to the RCA actives. Company Logo
Recommendation of Success Stories
Products of SSs Database of SSs The way to promoting of SSs
More alternative publication and products of RCA Success Stories (which are more than the present format of brochure) to increase the RCA’s awareness. Pamphlets CD-Roms Traveling Information Kit Giveaways Products of Success Stories
Enhanced RCA information service It should be in a position of easy access, management and update. Special homepage of RCA Success Stories (based in RCARO website) All-in-one homepage includes: Background; Guidelines for the RCA Success Stories; Objectives; Stories of the 1st and 2nd batches; etc. The database of Success Stories
Background, Guidelines, Objectives, criteria
Demonstrate the RCA Success Stories presentation to all partners. Disseminate RCA Success Stories various publications and products. The way to promoting of Success Stories Conference Scientist Visit Training Course Workshop
General Suggestion
Once the temp staff were selected they should be informed in well advance of the nature of assignment to be done by them at RCARO so that they can come with well prepatation. RCARO should have a annual plan on activities to be assigned to the temp staff. Work plan for Temp staff
Strategies for securing funds for RCA programmes: Continue partnership with IAEA IAEA is the traditional funding source of the RCA programme Develop partnership with national institution or organizations To initiate collaboration center or laboratory for enhancing cooperation. Searching foundation and international financial institutions. RCARO would be to study and select a few foundations and approach them with specific proposals, meetings, their priorities as well as the region, such as ADB. Government funding sources Funding
CAAS’ priority areas: Germplasm resources Food security Prevention and control of serious agricultural bio-disasters Efficient and recyclable utilization of agricultural resources Agricultural environmental control and ecological rehabilitation Agricultural engineering and intelligent equipment Agro-processing and modern logistics Biomass and industry raw material Cooperation with CAAS
To initiate cooperative projects by combining CAAS’ priority areas and RCA future main areas. To establish joint lab or sub-centers. To co-organize important conferences, meetings or workshops on various topics. To initiate regional training programme( fellowship training, degree programme). Establishing platform for exchange natural resource, books and scientific periodicals. Cooperation with CAAS