How did it all start?
A king was overthrown by his younger brother. The king’s daughter gave birth to twin boys, Romulus and Remus. The younger king was afraid these boys would overthrow him one day. He gave orders to have the babies thrown into the Tiber River. Miraculously, the babies survived and washed up onto the hilltop. A she-wolf rescued the babies and a shepherd raised the boys to be strong and brave. Eventually they helped their grandfather become king again.
Romulus and Remus founded a new city on the hill where they were rescued. The two brothers quarreled. In fury, Romulus lashed out and killed Remus. Romulus went on to become the first king of Rome. He named the city after himself.
The Aeneid, by Virgil. Story of the Trojan hero Aeneas He and his followers are said to have captured Troy from the Greeks. Eventually, the Trojans settled at the Tiber River. Aeneas united the Trojans and Latins to become the “father” of the Romans.
Greeks moved into southern Italy Taught how to grow olives and grapes Adopted the Greek Alphabet Modeled architecture, sculpture, and literature Legend of Romulus and Remus
Northern Italy Skilled metal workers Rich from mining and trade Used slave labor Strong military Changed Rome from a village to a city Laid out streets, temples, and public buildings Taught Romans how to dress Model for Roman Army Legend to Aeneas and the Trojans
Choose one Imagine you are an anthropologist. Write your own legend for the founding of Rome. Illustrate a comic strip depicting either the legend of Romulus and Remus or Aeneas. Be sure to include the cultural group that supports your legend.