Storytelling and Story-making Download powerpoint, film clips and other resources from the LLT moodle in advance – do not assume you can just access these from the internet at the venue. You will need speakers for the film clips Ideally, furniture is better arranged in small groups around tables rather than in rows Please send register round to participants (return to Daniel Hayes in Literacy office) Welcome participants and introduce yourself Talk for Writing 1
Aims To explain how we explore the use of storytelling as a tool for helping children build a bank of narrative patterns they can use when creating their own stories. “The same images, with very little variation, have served all the authors who have ever written” Samuel Johnson Explain the aim of the session – The quote is from Samuel Johnson and relates to Pie Corbett’s idea of ‘magpie-ing’. Good writers often use familiar themes and story structures to create their own new stories. Story reading and telling helps children internalise a living library of stories, like blueprints that can be used for their imagination.
Talk for writing includes… Book-talk – talking about books Writer-talk – talking about the process involved in writing Storytelling and story-making – learning oral stories Word and language games – to develop vocabulary Role-play and drama – using drama activities e.g. hot seating to support the development of writing Talk for Writing has developed around a number of key strategies Book-talk – extended opportunity to use talk to explore children’s personal responses to a text as readers – teachers need to initiate book talk by inviting children to ‘Tell me what you thought about…’ or by asking ‘Have you come across anything like this before?’ This can then be developed to build on children’s own thinking and experiences and encourage them to feed off each other’s thinking and talking, leading to rich exchanges and an opportunity for children to develop and extend their own responses. (Pie Corbett gives a fuller explanation of Book-talk on the TfW DVD.) Writer-talk is the articulation of the thinking and creative processes involved in writing – helps children to understand how writers influence their readers and teaches them how to think like a writer and how best to convey messages to the reader. Storytelling and story-making - This strategy involves learning and repeating oral stories as a means of building children’s confidence for writing known stories. Through repeating stories daily, they become embedded in long term working memory and ultimately knowing stories well frees up cognitive space for the other elements of writing. Subsequently these known stories can be developed and extended and eventually they will form the basis of completely new stories. Word and language games can be used in a multitude of ways, including to develop vocabulary, tune children in to creative thinking, orally develop a character or paint a mental picture to develop the setting. And of course the value of Role-play and drama is very well known to EY and KS1 colleagues who use drama activities, hot-seating, etc to develop understanding and stimulate discussion across the curriculum. But perhaps we need to encourage teachers to think more about how these strategies can support the development of writing. Each of these strategies needs to be revisited regularly to have a real impact – both in literacy sessions and across the curriculum – and they need to be used and built upon year on year so that children become ever more confident about their use in developing their independent writing skills.
Storytelling and story-making… involves the learning and repeating of oral stories builds children’s confidence in storytelling extends storytelling into writing results in new stories being prepared and rehearsed prior to writing Talk through this slide and provide the following background information. Story-making is based upon how children learn language – through imitation, innovation and invention of language. It draws upon international research that universally highlights the importance of stories as the key mode in which the human mind thinks. Stories are essential to cognitive development. They are not just a frivolity to end the day – they are central. Research shows that are important because they develop: composition/writing comprehension abstract, critical and logical thought memory and concentration a sense of belonging, confidence and motivation the ability to learn information that is communicated in story form language (listening, speaking, writing and reading) More information… Neuroscientists and psychologists agree that the mind actually uses story architecture to help us to understand the world. Our brains operate as neural story maps, using story as a template to explain and cope with experience. Story is the key method of internal processing used by the mind.
You cannot create out of nothing! Story-making has to be a daily routine – it is as important as phonics. What is the point of segmentation becoming a skill without a story to write! You cannot create out of nothing! Go through these points made by Pie Corbett – they strengthen and support the notion and importance of story-telling. Whilst daily phonics is crucial, children need to have some ideas to draw upon and develop when creating their own stories. We have always said “If you can’t say it, you can’t write it!” Make this point as you go through this slide.
So how do we do it? The stories are taught in a multi-sensory way. Actions are used to make the story, and key connectives memorable. Each story has a story map as a visual reminder. Puppets, role-play, hot-seating and acting out can make the story memorable and bring it alive. Go through the slide and focus particularly on ‘making it memorable’ e.g. if you are retelling ‘The Magic Porridge Pot’ bring in a porridge pot and cook porridge! If you are retelling ‘Red Riding Hood’ bring in a red cloak. If you are retelling ‘Handa’s Surprise’ bring in the fruits and have animal masks. The more a story is recreated and represented in different forms, the more likely it is to live as a memorable metaphor in children’s minds. A flimsy relationship with a story will leave only the vaguest of traces in their imaginations.
Children internalise… basic plots the building blocks of narrative (common characters, settings, events narrative patterning) the flow of language/sentences the vocabulary – especially connectives e.g. so, next, but The constant experience of stories helps children to internalise the points above.
Pie in action
The story-making process imitate innovate IMITATION – familiarisation. Retell the story until it can be told fluently. Use a multi-sensory approach to make it memorable – remember actions and story maps. INNOVATION – adapting a well known tale. This could include substitution, addition, alteration, changing a point of view and reusing the basic story. INVENTION – creating your own NEW story invent
From dependence to independence 1. Whole class – dependence 2. Groups – interdependence 3. Partners - independence When initially learning a story, the above 3 stages can be followed so that children confidently move from telling the story as a class into groups and then pairs, thus moving from complete dependence to interdependence and finally to independent retelling.
Story Map ‘The Little Green Dinosaur’ Listen – join in - retell Explain that you are going to teach everyone the story of ‘The Little Green Dinosaur’ (they have this in their packs – but have not to read it yet). When children know the story really well, it may be appropriate to show them a written version – they will find that they can almost read an otherwise difficult story! You will need to demonstrate telling the story first, using the story-map and actions. It will be easier for you if you use your own actions - but do have a practise before you do it with the teachers! Then repeat, getting the teachers to gradually join in. Learn they story together, as a group (communal retelling) then, if time, in groups and/or pairs. (See the notes on p2 of ‘Storytelling’ Pie Corbett)
Transcripts Rapunzel story – from reading the book Rapunzel story – from Talk for Writing Show parents on the tables the two different stories.
Imitate, innovate, invent… Show the DVD clip of Pie Corbett explaining the process of imitation, innovation and invention. This is entitled ‘Imitation, innovation and invention’. It will last for 2minutes 20seconds. You have taught the teachers to imitate the ‘Little Green Dinosaur’. You are now going to explain the process of innovation and invention. Then they will all have a go at this for themselves! You may get some very creative stories. Create a hyperlink from the picture of Pie Corbett to access the DVD clip
Innovation substitution additions alterations change of viewpoint Refer to p4 of the “Storytelling” handout. Tell the teachers the next step will be to adapt the story of “The Little Green Dinosaur” through innovation, to make it their own. There are various changes that can be made: Substitution – This is the simplest form of innovation and many children find it simple enough to change basic names of characters, places and objects e.g. “The little, green monkey…” Additions – This is a second simple enough stage. The child keeps the same basic pattern and sentences, and adds extra sentences, embellishing the original. These might include: simple additions – e.g. “Long, long ago” = “A long, long time ago…” adding more description adding more dialogue adding new characters or events adding extra detail to bring scenes alive. NOTE: You might like to take ideas from the audience for some of these points. Alterations – An alteration is a significant change that has consequences. altering characters so that a good character becomes grumpy - “The grumpy, green dinosaur hatched out of his egg.” altering settings e.g. “…the little green dinosaur hatched out of his egg and found himself alone in the zoo.” altering events but sticking to the basic plot e.g. “…first he met a fat, flappy penguin.” altering the plot structure e.g. how the story opens or ends “Are you my mummy?” squeaked the grumpy, green dinosaur. “No I am a giraffe, but I think I know where she is. I’ll take you there”. Change of Viewpoint: retelling in a different form (text-type) as a letter or a diary entry. retelling from a different character’s view e.g. The mummy dinosaur has lost her egg. Where is it? NOTE: Again take examples from the teachers if time allows.
Invention This should be: oral guided by the teacher; reusing familiar characters; reusing story language; an opportunity for new ideas, drawing on a range of stories. Invention involves orally creating a brand new story. The children need to get used to making stories up for themselves, drawing on their bank of told stories as well as their lives. To do this, hold regular story inventing sessions which should be guided by the points above. Teachers may wish to extend the process with their classes by capturing the story through the use of a video, audio recording or through writing (reading into writing). Draw the teachers attention to pp 8 – 10 for further information on innovation.
The story innovation process from telling into writing Tell the story with actions and create a story map. Retell the story daily and internalise. Move onto story groups or pairs. Begin a class innovation – make a new story map. Class and teacher retell the new version in groups and pairs. The quality of children’s innovations is in direct relation to the quality of class innovation and shared writing. Retell the story as you write.
The story innovation process from telling into writing 6. Teacher conducts shared writing of class innovation using modelling and scribing. 7. Children write their own innovations – some may be simply substituting and others will be embellishing or altering. 8. Children polish and publish stories. For younger children and weaker writers, when they settle down to write, they already know what they are going to say. This releases cognitive space. The children are not trying to cope with the demands of transcription at the same time as composition because they already know their story well. The act of writing has been made easier because they now know what they are going to say. This is why some children make dramatic progress. Teachers need to use shared writing to encourage progress. Writing in front of the children might be a blend of demonstration (“I’ll show you…”) and teacher scribing (“You have a think and I’ll write it down”). In teacher scribing, the teacher challenges weak suggestions. NOTE: Older children – probably from Y2 onwards – develop the story at the point of composition. It is important to set different story challenges within a class so some maybe simply substituting while others are embellishing or altering to Level 5.
Writing strands Strand 9 Creating and shaping texts. Strand 10 Text structure and organisation. Strand 11 Sentence structure and punctuation. Storytelling and story-making really help younger children to; Develop vocabulary and use new words in retelling or writing. - Strand 9 Get a hold of how stories are structured – through constant retelling - Strand 10 Structure their sentences orally, which impacts on their writing. Strand 11
Remember! “The more you retell aloud or in your head, the better you get to know the story, the more it can be improved”. “As you write the story, retell it again in your head, tweaking it where necessary” Pie Corbett 2008 The teachers could share these comments from Pie Corbett with their classes as reminders or prompts of the storytelling process!
That’s all folks!!