Zhiming Liu and Chengjun Liu, IEEE
Introduction Algorithms and procedures Experiments Conclusion
Uncontrolled illumination Color information and frequency features derived by means of the Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) help improve face recognition performance. This correspondence presents a novel hybrid Color and Frequency Features (CFF) method for face recognition.
RIQ : R of the RGB + IQ of the YIQ
Initial image R, I, Q Real part Discrete Fourier transform of a face image Imaginary part MagnitudeMask
X :a random vector representing a frequency pattern vector. : are the eigenvectors largest eigenvalues of X
FLD: S (w) : within-class scatter matrix S (b) : between-class scatter matrix,
Database: FRGC version 2 Experiment 4 the Training set contains images that are either controlled or uncontrolled.
Future research will consider applying kernel methods, such as the multiclass Kernel Fisher Analysis (KFA) method presented in [9], to replace the EFM method for improving face recognition performance. The hybrid color space improves face recognition performance.
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