1 st Year Revision Guidelines
List Subjects- Test material / Chapters English: Novel question / Extract from play / Media Studies Irish: Maths: Chapters 1 – 14 and Chapters 26 & 27 History: Geography: 5 Chapters Science: Tech Graphics: Bring home folder to study sheets / ebook Business: French: Revision schedule
Revise two/three subjects per night Study two different types of subjects together For example: Maths / Irish English / Science French / History
Study plan: Mon 2 nd May – Sun 8 th May DaySubjectContent MondayMaths Irish Chp 1 – Sets / Chp 2 – N. Number Grammar – Aimsir Chaite TuesdayEnglish Science Novel work Chp 1 & 2 WednesdayHistory French/Spanish …………….. ……………… ThursdayGeography Technical Graphics /Art ………………….. ………………… FridayBusiness Home Economics / Music ……………….. ………………… Saturday or SundayReligion / CSPE CATCH UP !!!
Smart Revision Write down main headings in chapter Under each heading learn Keywords, examples, diagrams, definitions, diagrams, quotations……… Test Yourself – Maths: You must do questions History: Write main points from chapter Science: Practice drawing diagrams / Experiment steps Revision copy for each subject or A4 pad
Smart Revision contd…. Summarise notes on Post Its Notes / Post Cards and put in beginning of each chapter, wall over study desk….. Note what you didn’t remember and revise again at the weekend Catch up on incomplete revision over the weekend
Focusing Techniques Manage your time – 20 – 30 mins per subject / study plan will help Concentration : Study in a quiet place NO PHONE while studying Take a small break after 30 mins Get something to eat/drink Ask a parent/guardian/brother/ sister to examine you