ebrary new Reader Overview & sneak peek
Agenda Objectives: A little context: ebrary & EBL Integration Roadmap New ebrary Reader will evolve to become the integrated platform Reader New ebrary Reader Design objectives Preview of what’s new and improved ProQuest Confidential 2
New Reader LibCentral Combined Ebook Platform Content Management System LibCentral New Reader Advanced Reporting & Librarian tools Complete Patron UI Choice Innovation Integration Support ProQuest Confidential 3
Content Updates for Combined Platform Combine ebrary & EBL Content and Publisher Agreements New EBL LibCentral Improved & sophisticated librarian functions New ebrary Reader Modern design & intuitive navigation Nov – Dec Improved Invoicing for EBL customers Target release for Combined Ebook Platform Mid - Late 2013 Early 2014Mid 2014 Late 2014 Mid 2015 ebrary & EBL Integration Roadmap Timeline EBL Enhancements Three-user license New access permissions (May) ProQuest Confidential 4 = launched
Detailed timing for ebrary new Reader Launch of new Reader targeted for first week of August –Meaning it is in full production (out of pilot) 1 st week of August Training materials available in July, to help libraries get ready We’ll support you so you’re ready for the Fall semester/quarter –Additional features will be worked in shortly thereafter, in Q4 –Sign-in/account setup improvements went live May 13 th To existing patron UI/QuickView (back-ported improvements) ProQuest Confidential
New ebrary Reader in development Design objectives: Clearer user permissions & info on ebooks for patrons Intuitive navigation to find popular features faster Higher text quality & display options for better readability Focus on streamlining key tasks: copy, print, download, in-book search Enhanced support for accessibility needs (Q4) ProQuest Confidential 6
Reader Preview – new Detail page (patron view) ProQuest Confidential 7
Reader Preview: Detail page, Admin view ProQuest Confidential
Reader Preview - on opening book ProQuest Confidential 9
10 Reader Preview – download: guided 3 step flow
ProQuest Confidential11 Reader Preview – download: Step 2
ProQuest Confidential12 Reader Preview – download: Step 3
Download for Offline Reading – Mobile example ProQuest Confidential13
ProQuest Confidential14 Reader Preview – bookmarks, highlighting, notes
Reader Preview – search within book ProQuest Confidential 15
Reader Preview – search “did you mean?” enhancement ProQuest Confidential 16
New Reader, in Q4 – Accessibility overview Designing to meet W3C Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG 2.0) Following these guidelines will make web content accessible to a wide range of people with disabilities, particularly the blind/visually impaired. We are: targeting a AA conformance level to accessibility guidelines for the Reader features and functions (excluding ebook content, formatted as publisher has provided) working with a 3rd party company that specializes in accessibility to ensure conformance, Tech for All ( They’ve reviewed & approved our strategy for the User Interface/tech design certifying our new Reader in Q for use with the following screen readers: JAWS for Windows NVDA for Windows VoiceOver for the Mac Also are enabling patrons with accessibility needs, to turn on accessibility mode themselves (no librarian or tech support assistance needed!) in Q4 Their screen reader reads hidden tags that can toggle accessibility mode on/off ProQuest Confidential 17
Reader Preview – Accessibility timing Accessibility improvements will come in Q4 At new Reader launch first week of August, will continue current level of support Meaning, any patrons needing accessibility mode will receive it It will be via the existing QuickView, rather than new Reader Setting controlled by the user will enable them to switch back & forth ProQuest Confidential 18
Other new Reader features coming in Q4 Translations in 9 different languages (launch is English only) All those supported by QuickView/Patron UI today Until Q4, those needing translations can stay on QuickView “Custom search” option currently within InfoTools Most of InfoTools features moved to other areas of new Reader and are available at launch “Custom search” feature is more complex and not heavily utilized except in certain segments It will be available in Q4, until then, QuickView can be used ProQuest Confidential 19
What have we already gone live with? Improvements to Sign-in Current vs. New ProQuest Confidential 20
What have we already gone live with? Improvements to prompt for sign-in (such as for Download) Current vs. New ProQuest Confidential 21
Final Feedback/Q&A Feedback Questions? Next Steps ProQuest Confidential 22
User Groups Customer Surveys Event Focus Groups Advisory Board Feedback Through Current Contacts START HERE. We Are Committed to Development with Input from You
Thank You!
Ebooks Mobile Access ProQuest Confidential25 ebrary and new Reader are designed for the mobile savvy! Evolving our strategy to: –Utilize Bluefire app for offline reading –Optimize online reader for reading on tablets Benefits Better patron experience on highly-rated Bluefire app Bluefire app – 4 stars; “flawless” Growing industry trend to responsive web design vs. dedicated apps
On-The-Go Access ProQuest Confidential26 Access the new Reader on your tablet, or download a book to your phone
Download for Offline Reading ProQuest Confidential27
New Reader: Search results tablet, landscape mode ProQuest Confidential28
New Reader: reading in portrait (side panel closed) ProQuest Confidential29