NHS Health Checks in Lambeth: Social Marketing Heidi Fanning, Head of Health Promotion Knowledge and Resources NHS Lambeth Fraser Serle, Staying Healthy Commissioning Manager NHS Lambeth Health Checks Workshop July 2010
Overview Background Rationale Scoping Approach Intervention mix Evaluation Questions
Background Lambeth: inner city borough with diverse population and high levels of social deprivation High levels of health inequalities Low uptake of health services in priority populations Previous experience of social marketing
Rationale Target middle aged men to motivate them to go for their NHS Health Check
Scoping Campaign was informed through Ispos Mori research Views of African Caribbean and white British men to message about going to get blood pressure checked Utilised commissioning Support for London research Highlighted – inertia/ fatalistic attitude and committing to a 30 minute health check
Approach Two prongs to promote health checks: 1. Local community ambassadors, celebrities and local media 2. Utilising links with local community groups and organisations
Intervention Mix Celebrity endorsement and campaign ambassador Poster displays and flier dissemination NHS Choices Lambeth website: Extensive press coverage (targeted media) Launched March 2010
Evaluation Positive response to launch event generated lots of community leads Request for outreach session have been high Feedback has been about lack of females on materials Men are coming anyway following invite letter Evaluation is currently underway Report due Sept 2010
Any questions?