School of Liberal Studies at Savannah High School School of Liberal Studies at Savannah High School Ms. L. Reese Library Media and Technology Specialist Student Orientation
MISSION The mission of our media center is to enhance learning, as well as broaden the spectrum of what students can accomplish in their lives outside of school. We hope to encourage the growth of responsible, information literate, well educated young adults who will have a lifelong commitment to learning and literacy, and who will share these characteristics with their communities. VISION The media center will be a welcoming environment for students and teachers. All students will have equal access to materials and technology. The media center staff will support students and teachers by providing resources and help to those who use the media center or media center materials. The media center will provide materials that correspond to the standards and the curriculum.
Ms. Reese Media Specialist Ms. Barnes Media Clerk
Hours of Operation: ◦ Monday – Friday: 7:30 – 3:30 p.m. Resources available: ◦ Computers (16) ◦ Books (Fiction, Non-Fiction) ◦ Encyclopedias ◦ World Atlases ◦ Dictionaries ◦ Magazines ◦ Newspapers ◦ Printing Services: $.05 black and white copies $.20 for color copies
Must have a pass to enter and sign in at the circulation desk. No food or drink permitted. Please work quietly so you don’t disturb other students or classes. Always be respectful to the media center staff any adult, and your peers.
Research papers/projects Multimedia projects Help you find books and other resources. Relax and read a good book, magazine, or the newspaper.
Books have a checkout period of two weeks. ◦ Can be renewed for additional two weeks. Fines are charged for lost or damaged books. Report cards will be withheld until the book has been returned or fine has been paid. Fines are accessed based on the price of the book. Students must pay for lost or damaged library books before checking out any new books..
$0.15 per page or price of book $1.00 per page or price of book $0.10 per page Price of book Pencil writing on pages Torn cover, Missing pages Ink, Food or Drink Spills Torn pages Damaged Books Fees
The computer and internet should be used for educational purposes only. Do not share your computer log-in information. Do not visit any inappropriate websites. Consequences for violating computer and internet guidelines ◦ Computer/Internet privileges will be suspended or revoked. ◦ Parent will have to meet with school officials in order to regain access to computer/internet.
The front of our media center’s bookcases displays the Dewey decimal numbers to help you easily find what you are looking for.
Online catalog of everything available in the media center. Two ways to access: 1.Can be accessed from the desktop 2.Visit: > Resources > Media Center Online Catalog
What is Galileo? ◦ Georgia’s virtual library ◦ Stands for Georgia Library Learning Online ◦ Includes hundreds of databases (magazines, newspapers, encyclopedias, journals) To access: ◦ Visit: > Click on “Media Center” on the left navigation bar > Under “Resources for Research” click on the “Galileo” link. Galileo link Galileo Contact the media center staff or your teacher for the Galileo password.
Check out our Ebook collection!
◦ In Destiny, click on the “Follet Shelf” tab OR Visit: > Click on the “Resources” tab. >Select: “Media Center Online Catalog” >Select: “Follett Shelf”
Cyberbullying ◦ Offline Consequences ◦ es es
Never meet in person with anyone you first “met” on the internet. If someone asks to meet you, tell your parents or guardian right away. Some people may not be who they say they are. Check with your parents before you post pictures of yourself or others online. Do not post inappropriate pictures of anyone. Never respond to mean or rude texts, messages, and s. Delete any unwanted messages. You may need to delete friends who continuously bother you or post things that are not appropriate. NEVER share your password with anyone, including your best friend. The only people who should know your password are your parents or guardian. If you wouldn’t say something to another person’s face, don’t text it or post it online. Do not download or install software or anything on your computer or cell phone before checking with your parents or guardian. Source: and
We would like your feedback on books and resources you would like in our media center. Please complete the New Materials Suggestion Form- Students.