Wrap it before you tap it. The Safe Sex Persuasive Campaign
OVERVIEW Topic: Safe sex and condom use Goals: Increase condom use within UW-Madison student population Audience: UW-Madison students Method: Website and App
Students at the University of Wisconsin-Madison A National Sex Study reveals that over half of males and females between ages participate in sexual intercourse College students have not yet established a standard way of living, so incorporating condom use while they are developing their life preferences can make them more likely to adopt and continue condom use as they age As a fellow student of the university, I may have more success because I share similar characteristics to them. Similarity including similar age, same school, and similar lifestyle.
Similarity More receptive of a message from somebody sharing similar traits and backgrounds In association with the social identity theory, I can identify with the students because I am a fellow badger and I can be seen as a more reputable source I could also employ a para-social relationship by trying to get a well-known UW-Madison athlete such as Melvin Gordon III or Frank Kaminsky to endorse condom use.
Framing Implement gain framed messages by telling students what they have to gain by using condoms Condoms can prevent the transmission of many harmful and painful sexually transmitted diseases that can stay with a person for all their life Additionally, condoms are a crucial part to preventing unwanted pregnancy. Having an accidental child is life altering and condoms provide a prevention mechanism. Gain framed messages are especially successful with health affirmation and prevention behaviors, which completely relate to the diseases and pregnancy related to condom use
Consistency Having students electronically pledge condom use on my website will make them consistent to the idea of condom use They should be more inclined to stay consistent a pro-condom use attitude after pledging to the site because they will not want to create attitudes inconsistent with their behaviors because that will result in dissonance Desire for consistency is central motivator of our behavior, so by pledging early on it can dictate future behaviors
Association I want students to associate sex with condoms whenever they plan on participating in sexual intercourse Whenever a student thinks about sex they should have an easily accessible attitude that favors using condoms during sex Condoms can also be associated with freedom because people are less resistant when they believe they are making the choice Using condoms should be empowering not embarrassing the way many think about it now By associating using condoms with various positive things then the accessibility of the attitude will increase
Website The modern world is more interconnected than ever with the evolution of the internet As college students at UW-Madison, students are expected to have their own personal computer. A 2011 Technology & Internet survey reported that between percent of college undergraduates have home broadband connection. This doesn’t take into account the availability of computers to students by colleges and universities Having a website is a very accessible and interactive tool for students to use Website can provide specific information for the individual rather than general knowledge information distributed by health services Link:
App A recent study reports that 82 percent of new university and college students own a smartphone An app is a very accessible item for students to have since a large majority of students have smartphones to access them The app will feature places near them where they can access condoms. Since most students actively use and carry their smartphones, the app will serve as a convenient and accessible option for students whenever the moment is “right”
Measuring Success To see how productive the campaign is I can go to condom selling locations and find out how many they are selling I can also go to UHS and Sex Out Loud to see how many they are giving out Then once I implement the campaign, I can check in weekly and compare the condom distribution levels to the original control data