Our Mission... “To facilitate collaboration and partnerships through a comprehensive master plan which promotes economic growth, community development and enhanced quality of life along the I-75 Corridor for the citizens of Middle Georgia”
What Are We Trying To Accomplish? 1.Enhance the region’s economic vitality and quality of life 2.Work with transportation, community and economic development efforts to formulate a cohesive, comprehensive and connected plan 3.Avoid “single spot improvements” by focusing efforts on the corridor as a collective and as a valuable resource to the region
Why Are We Doing This? 1.Develop a sense of place 2.Promote community long-term goals and objectives 3.Offer a variety of land uses 4.Promote a diverse and connected network 5.Develop community destinations 6.Incorporate a community vision 7.Preempt a sprawl cycle
How Are We Doing This? 1.Developing close working relationships between planning commissions, municipalities and local leaders 2.Getting the public involved 3.Integrating local and state planning efforts 4.Creating a task force - committee to implement plan/vision/goal 5.Diagnosing assets and challenges in the community/region/corridor 6.Adopting a plan 7.Producing a public information campaign (possibly create a website specific to the project and then encourage each participating entity to link to the page and/or create dedicated pages). This builds awareness and promotes regional branding
How Are We Doing This? 1.Adapting and adjusting as challenges evolve 2.Producing a partnership agreement (MOU) for all participating stakeholders to sign (done) 3.Include regulatory agencies in planning processes to achieve goals a.Consider gradual implementation to allow for funding sources b.DOT, State, Local 4.Work with and involve developers 5.Encourage leadership to constantly and consistently articulate vision 6.Execute strategy 7.Manage
Who? The I-75 Summit Committee, community stakeholders, private landowners, developers, government, utilities and the citizens of the communities affected by the effort.
Where? The primary focus of the Corridor starts at Exit 149 in Byron and concludes at Exit 134 in Perry which includes all Interstate exits between.
Where Goals 1.Bring all the parties together - decision makers, landowners, stakeholders. Jay Flesher has identified all of the owners of property within the Corridor. 2.Work towards compatible/complementary zoning.
Utilities ❖ Map existing utilities and infrastructure as a foundational document. ❖ Subcommittees will call on all of the utilities and planning and zoning agencies. (Finish by February 2016)
Master Planning Part A 1.Start a comprehensive master planning process (MGRC) by July 2016; conduct a gap analysis and look for funding. 2.Appoint committees from the Council - possibly by interstate interchange or defined planning districts. 3.Create a timeline for measurable goals, objectives and milestones. Part B 1.Identify “easy wins”. 2.Investigate landscaping options at each interchange. 3.Consider production of dedicated website for Corridor project or have each agency publish a pre-approved/agreed upon webpage on their respective sites.
Master Planning ➔ Establish a detailed list of common Q&As with answers. Keep the dialog and distribution of details and information consistent across the board. ➔ Prepare representatives (Council members) to present the case. ➔ Prepare and encourage senior leaders to reach all elected officials. ➔ Define the targeted segments of the public that we need to inform and receive feedback from. ➔ Prepare and deliver our case to targeted segments of the public.
Success Story – A Model We Looked At I-77 Alliance Four Counties in South Carolina along I-77 come together to offer a range of advantages to businesses of all shapes and sizes. Lead Generation ❖ 100 prospects ❖ 38 site consultants ❖ 10 RFIs ❖ 2 site visits
Got input? Flesher, Facilitator