1 “Uzpartaminot” Joint-stock company “Uzpartaminot” Joint-stock company
2 JSC “Uzpartaminot” deals with: Sale and supply with material resources of the enterprises of the oil and gas sphere JSC “Uzpartaminot”
3 Legal address: Bukhara region, Karaulbazar d., S. Rakhimov street- 20. Index Location of the company
JSC “Uzpartaminot” 4 History of JSC MMTS (Management of material and technical supply at the trust "Uzbekburgaz") company, to serve the drilling companies. MMTS was privatized and renamed to JSC "Uzpartaminot" in JSC “Uzpartaminot” “Uzpartaminot” in 2014
5 № The name The share (in thousand. UZS) (in %) 1JSC "Uzgeoburneftegaz" ,0 105,908 51,0 2JSC "Faykon" 40614,0 14,343 6,96,9 3 Physical persons ,0 87,411 42,1 In total: , ,0 Information about distribution of shares between shareholders of JSC "Uzpartaminot" JSC “Uzpartaminot” 5
6 Personnel potential JSC “Uzpartaminot”
7 Education and qualification of employees
8 Source of raw materials № Name of MaterialsSuppliers 1Diesel fuelFergana ORP, Bukhara ORP 2 Chemical reagents " Navoiazot " LTD, " Bentonite" LTD, " Neftegazmeneral " LTD, ” ARSOIDOptimaTrade” LTD 3 Electro goods. "Asia electro-insulator" LTD, ” Angren Elektroizolit”LTD, “EGL-HUR” JV LTD 4 Spare parts for the drill the equipment JSC “Bukharsky RMZ”, JSC " Plant of Oil and gas and Chemical mechanical engineering\" JSC “Uzpartaminot”
9 The range of services №Name of servicesPotential customers 1Good and material resources Enterprises NHC "Uzbekneftegaz" JSC “Uzpartaminot”
10 License series АА No. 17 from in the wholesale trade. License series AB № 2436 from on the sale of oil products License series АВ No of on the sale of oil products Certificates and licenses (Annex 1) JSC “Uzpartaminot”
11 ti Competitors In Bukhara region has similar supply the enterprise service-oriented material and technical resources in the field of mining Oil and gas - is DP "Karaulbazar P T D and C.". JSC “Uzpartaminot”
12 Competitive advantagesCompetitive disadvantages One of the largest regional base and a developed system of own units Average physical infrastructure in regional grass-roots units of the company Availability of qualified personnel in key positions in the central office and regional offices A shortage of qualified professionals, high turnover of staff in grassroots units t has developed the rules of service and formed the methodological basis for most traditional types of works and services Experience in the implementation of all kinds of rendered works and services A lack of experience on the implementation of the wholesale trade in the international market A wide range of services SWOT - analysis JSC “Uzpartaminot”
13 Competitive advantagesCompetitive disadvantages One of the largest regional base and a developed system of own units Average physical infrastructure in regional grass-roots units of the company Availability of qualified personnel in key positions in the central office and regional offices A shortage of qualified professionals, high turnover of staff in grassroots units t has developed the rules of service and formed the methodological basis for most traditional types of works and services Experience in the implementation of all kinds of rendered works and services A wide range of services Not sufficient level of development of ICT applied in the course of production SWOT - analysis JSC “Uzpartaminot”
14 CapabilitiesThe threats Significant untapped potential for foreign companies market The advent of the domestic market of foreign enterprises Increasing income levels of workers and the public Increased inflation (rising prices for services, etc.) Loss of customers due to the unfair competition SWOT - analysis JSC “Uzpartaminot” 14
15 Financial results of the company for years. Financial results of the company for years. In mln.UZS № The name of indicators 2010 y.2011 y.2012 y.2013 y.2014 y. 1 Volume of production Net proceeds from realization Other operating expenses Profit before paying income taxes Net profit JSC “Uzpartaminot”
16 Estimated figures of the authorized return on equity and earnings per share for the years. Name of indicator 2016y.2017y.2018y.2019y.2020y. The profitability of the authorized capital 4,9 %5,0 %5,00% Earnings per share (UZS) 0,06 0,07 JSC “Uzpartaminot”
17 Realizing share of 15% of the Fund's Articles of Association 15,0 % Assessed value USD JSC “Uzpartaminot”
18 Planned financial performance of the company for the years., mln.UZS. № The name of indicators 2016 year 2017 year 2018 year 2019 year 2020 year 1 Volume of production The net proceeds from the sale of Net profit JSC “Uzpartaminot”
19 In years provides for the further development and intensification of the investment activity of the company by: -the direction of funds from implementation of stocks of society for modernization of production and the organization of production for needs of the enterprises of the oil and gas sphere; -investments of funds in financial instruments of large and reliable domestic banks. JSC “Uzpartaminot” The average annual income to invest in the years will be 20%.
20 On general matters: Office Chair Samiev Tulkinzhon Vakhidovich For purchasing: Chief Accountant Shodmonov Askar Serozhovich Telephone: , Fax: Official Web-site of the company: uzparta`minot.uz Contacts:
21 Annex №1 Office Chair Samiev T. V.