Systematic list of the names of professions RZS 2011 WORKSHOP MA study programmes in the field of social work and social pedagogy Novi Sad, th November 2014 TEMPUS SHESPSS Strengthening Higher Education for Social Policy making and Social Services delivery Curricular Reform TEMPUS RS-TEMPUS-JPCR
International standard classification of professions (МSKZ-08)
МSKZ-08 Makes differences of groups of occupations which are classified into more classification levels Under international character classification data, there are four levels of qualification which define operative definitions of education categories and levels from Internacional Standard Classification of Education (ISCED 1997)
The fourth ISCED level qualifications is defined in accordance with ISCED categories 5A or 6, which include education acquired at a higher education institution which last 3-6 years and leads to university first degree or postgraduate diploma studies. In some cases work experience and adequate training during work can be a substitute for formal education
Classification of Occupations The conceptual approach applied in the preparation of ISCO-08 was maintained in the classification and results in a pyramid whose hierarchical structure consists of ten groups, divided into 43 categories, 129 subcategories and 434 groups.
Occupation groups are: 1. management, officials and legislators 2. professionals and artists 3. engineers, associates and technicians 4. administrative officers and other six occupations
2. Experts The group includes occupations whose main tasks and duties require a high level of professional knowledge and experience in the field of social sciences. This group is divided into six categories, 26 subcategories and 91 groups that reflect differences in tasks related to different fields of knowledge and specialization. In our system of education, a necessary minimum of education is completed academic studies.
Social worker MA
3412 Associates in the field of social work 3412 Medical Social Worker 3412 Boarding school supervisor 3412 Psychiatric Social Worker 3412 Officer for the supervision of ex-prisoners 3412 Social Worker 3412 Social guardian 3412 Social guardian in prison 3412 Expert in work with young people 3412 Expert in the field of social work case manager
Social pedagogy Jobs that can be done by Social pedagogy MA
2359 Experts in education 2359 Boarding school tutor 2359 Teacher for education of adolescents with bad behaviour 2352 Teacher for education of mentally handicapped 2352 A teacher for talented children 2352 A teacher for special education 2632 Social Pathologist
3355 Police Inspectors 3355 The investigator in the police 3355 Crime Inspector 3355 A police detective 3355 Police Inspector 3355 A police investigator
Social policy Occupations which can be done by social policy experts
2422 Experts strategic planning 2422 Business policy analyst 2422 Strategic planning expert
2423 Occupation analyst 2423 Employment consultant 2423 Consultant for professional orientation (occupational choice) 2423 Experts in career guidance and consulting
3353 Civil officials of social security 3353 The controller for pension issues 3353 Clerk of pension issues 3353 Clerk of social security 3353 The official of social security
3354 State officials for issuing documents 3354 Clerk for issuing documents 3354 Clerk for issuing passports 3354 Clerk for migration
2424 Experts for training and professional development 2424 Organizer of staff training 2424 Expert in Human Resources 2424 Expert of Staff Training 2424 Expert of training and staff professional development
3333 Mediators to employment 3333 Mediator to employment 3333 Clerk for Employment
3341 Administrative and specialized business secretaries 3341 Heads of Administrative Affairs 3341 The head of the local office 3341 The head of general administrative affairs 3341 Chief Clerk 3341 Head of Data Entry
Questions I would suggest some questions for discussion I would ask representatives of organisations of protection and social workers to suggest other occupations which could deal with MA specialist in social policy and social pedagogy I would olso them to give their professional evaluation of the need for MA specialisation in the field of social policy and social pedagogy
Questions Haw can MA specialist in the field of social policy and pedagogy inprove social protection and social work generaly
Thank you for your attention Natalija Jovanović, Full professor, Faculty of Philosophy, Nis