Presented by: Michele Meyer Instructional Coach Oakfield-Alabama Elementary School
FREE Customizable Online behavior management tool ClassDojo is simple to use.simple to use You set up a class, or classes. Each class has avatars assigned for each of your students. Once your class is set up, you have the ability to award points, affectionately known as "dojos" one classroom, for positive or negative behavior. ClassDojo saves time by recording behaviors and accomplishments in the class with just one click.
There’s an APP for that! If you have a smart phone Or an iPad you can award or take away points kiddos from anywhere – Outside on the playground ; field trip ; from the back of your classroom; in the hallway
What can you do with the points your students and class earns?? Students can “cash in” their points at the end of every week ; month ; quarter choose what's best for you and your students Doesn’t need to be prizes you buy Example – My Best Behavior Binder
“ I print the overall class behavior chart. I do that for each class and post it on the wall. The class with the best percentage receives additional 5 points. If they receive 100% they receive an additional 15 points.” Reports & Data ClassDojo recently added Trendspotter, which allows the teacher to look for trends in student behavior. This is a great way to reflect on what is or is not working in your classrooms. For example, you may notice that on Fridays you have the greatest amount of negative points. You can use this data to reflect on why Fridays seem to be difficult, what you can do to change it, and use data from Trendspotter to see if your strategies worked.
Sharing Data ClassDojo automatically keeps track of the behavior in your classroom by tracking the behaviors that were clicked. You are able to set the range, daily or weekly, that you want to view. The information is provided in a donut that shows the percentage of clicked behaviors and underneath a written version of the data for each day. This data can all be accumulated into end-of-year reports. APPR 4a – Reflecting on teaching 4b – Maintaining Accurate Records 4c – Communicating with families Parent Connection Circumstances often make it difficult for teachers to provide parents with as much feedback as we would like. With Class Dojo you can each parent how their child did in class that day or at the end of a time period. You also have the option to print out the reports You can set it up to create reports that are ed to the parents. The reports are easy to read.
Parent Letter - sample
Take 1minute and turn to the person next to you and have a mini chat about what you have heard so far and how this might or might not work in your setting.
The Flip Side There are always 2 sides … If you want to see why 1 teacher will not be using Classroom Dojo – visit the link below. Be sure to read some other educators comments as well. your-kids-instead/ **You know what is best for your kids and how your kids will respond and as always use your professional judgment. **
Additional Resources and Ideas on Classroom Dojo can be found at…. teacher.html
The greatest sign of success for a teacher is to be able to say, “The children are now working as if I did not exist.” – Maria Montessori