Playground Stories Math K GLE 12 Teacher Page Print and cut out the pictures on the last slide for each child.last slide Read the story problems on each.


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Presentation transcript:

Playground Stories Math K GLE 12

Teacher Page Print and cut out the pictures on the last slide for each child.last slide Read the story problems on each slide with the class. Ask volunteers to come to the front to act out each problem. Encourage kids at their seats to model the problem with their pictures. Select answers. Optional:………- Print the slide show for each child and make a book. Then they can place the picture cards on the playground equipment to model the story and circle the answers.

Waiting to Slide Two boys were standing in line for the slide. Three girls came. How many children are standing in line for the slide? 456

Swinging One girl was swinging on the swings. Three girls joined her to swing. How many girls are swinging now? 456

Playing in the Sandbox Five boys were playing in the sandbox. One more boy asked to play. How many boys are playing in the sandbox now? 456

Jungle Gym Three boys were playing on the jungle gym. Three girls came to play. How many children are playing now? 456

See-Saw One girl wanted to see-saw. One boy joined her. How many kids are having fun on the see-saw? 123

Riding Bikes Two boys are getting ready to ride bikes on the bike path. One more boy comes. How many boys will ride bikes? 123

Make your own story.

Print and cut out pictures for each child.