The Good Teen By : Tahani AlOtaibi and Noura AlAjmi English (162 ) / section 52 College of Science Kuwait University Instruction : Buthaina AlOthman
- Eliza Parks is a high school senior - She plays two sports. is president of the senior class, and signs in the choir - She has been accepted at Yale University next year, where awarded a scholarship - She makes time to be with her brother and her parents and they eat dinner as a family
- We often think of adolescence as a difficult period : the stereotypical teenager makes poor decisions, hangs out with the wrong friends, or takes dangerous risks - The research suggests that this common assumption about adolescence is often not true - In particular, teens equipped with specific skill and qualities may be better at avoiding the dangers other experience.
- Dr. Richard Lerner agrees the most teens do not have a stormy adolescence in order to discover how teens navigate these years happily and successfully - The 4-H study of positive youth development, examines how young people interact with others - The five Cs : Competence, Confidence, Connection, Character, and Caring
- Researcher suggest that young people who have five Cs will also demonstrate a sixth C contribution to self, family, community, and society. - Young people without the five Cs would be at higher risk for a variety of social and personal problems.
Eliza have qualities and experience reflect all Five Cs, At least in Eliza’s case, having the Five Cs accurately predicts her success.
The 4-H Study has found that teens from any background can thrive. It doesn’t matter if they are rich or poor, from the city or the country, living in a high-crime area or a low-crime area. Anyone can do well with a little help.
Teens need opportunities that nurture positive interactions with adults, develop life skill and give them the chance to show leadership.
For parents : Although teens are starting to pull away, Parents need to stay connected. Contact is critical.
One way is to participate out of school activities. - For example, kids and parents can volunteer to take care of a park or build a playground.
All these recommendation are consistent with the advice of psychologist Laurence Steinberg of Temple University. “ parents should be involved in their children’s lives and give them plenty of love “
In his book, Steinberg says : “ good parenting encourages elements like honesty, empathy, self-reliance, kindness,cooperation, self-control, and cheerfulness.”
Steinberg recognizes that for some people, good parenting is innate, but all parents can improve their skills through practice.
During these years, parents need to find a balance between staying connected and letting go. This may be the best rule a parent can make.
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