Reflexive verbs In this presentation, we are going to look at a special group of verbs called reflexives. Let’s start out by thinking of the English verb wash. List several things that you can wash.
Some examples I wash my clothes, I wash the dishes, I wash the car, I wash the windows. I wash my hands, I wash my hair, I wash my face.
What’s the difference? I wash my clothes, I wash the dishes, I wash the car, I wash the windows. I can wash things that are not part of me, that is, not attached to my body. In Spanish, we say, “Lavo la ropa, lavo los platos, lavo el coche, lavo las ventanas.”
… and… I wash my hands, I wash my hair, I wash my face. I also wash things that are attached to my body – hands, face, hair. In Spanish, we say, “Me lavo las manos, me lavo el pelo, me lavo la cara.”
And your point is…? Lavo la ropa, lavo los platos, lavo el coche, lavo las ventanas. Me lavo las manos, me lavo el pelo, me lavo la cara. If you are washing something that is attached, you need to add the word “ me.”
Huh?Huh? There are two ways to talk about washing in Spanish: Lavar: to wash something else Lavarse : to wash part of one’s body.
LavarseLavarse Here are the forms: os lavaís me lavo te lavas se lava nos lavamos se lavan The “me, te, se, nos, os, se” forms are called reflexive pronouns.
How do you get those forms? The infinitive has a –se attached to it to show that the subject is doing something to him/herself. 1. Drop the – se. 2. Change the verb as usual. 3. Put the appropriate reflexive pronoun in front of the verb.
Let’s try one. Llamarse: to call oneself yo______ tú______ él______ nosotros ______ ellos ______ me llamo te llamas se llama nos llamamos se llaman
Okay, how about some more reflexive verbs? Levantarse: to get/stand up Sentarse (e > ie): to sit down Dormirse (o > ue): to fall asleep Ponerse (-go): to put on an article of clothing
Let’s try another one. Dormirse(o-ue): to call oneself yo______ tú______ él______ nosotros ______ ellos ______ me duermo te duermes se duerme nos dormimos se duermen
Dormir vs Dormirse The verb forms are the same: duermo, duermes, duerme, dormimos, duermen The difference in form is the addition of the reflexive pronouns: me, te, se, nos, se Reflexive verbs often have a special meaning, such as ‘change in condition’ – from being awake to being asleep. The difference in meaning is: Dormirse : to fall asleep Dormir : to sleep
A morning routine: Fill in the blanks and translate. Todos los días, yo ______ (levantarse) a las 7:00. ______ (ir) al baño, _______ (lavarse) la cara, y _______ (afeitarse). Luego ______ (vestirse = e > i) y ______ (tomar) un poco de desayuno. Por fin, _______ (lavarse) los dientes. Hint : not all the verbs in this paragraph are reflexive! me levanto me lavo me visto tomo me lavo Voy me afeito
Let’s do another Juana ______ (despertarse = e > ie) a las 6:30, ________ (levantarse), ______ (ir) al baño, y ________ (ducharse). Ella ______ (secarse), _______ (peinarse), y _______ (pintarse) la cara. se despierta se levanta, va se ducha. se seca, se peina, se pinta
Reflexives from this chapter (1) Despertarse Levantarse Lavarse Bañarse Ducharse Afeitarse Ponerse la ropa Vestirse Mirarse Maquillarse To wake up To get up To wash To bathe To shower To shave To put on clothes To get dressed To look at oneself To put on makeup
Reflexives from this chapter (2) Cepillarse Cepillarse los dientes Peinarse Sentarse Desayunarse Acostarse Dormirse Llamarse Divertirse To brush To brush your teeth To comb To sit down To have breakfast To go to bed To sleep To call oneself To have fun