D10A Metode Penelitian MP-04b Metodologi Penelitian di dalam Ilmu Komputer/Informatika Program Studi S-1 Teknik Informatika FMIPA Universitas Padjadjaran Semester Genap
MP-04b: Metodologi Penelitian Ilmu Komputer Posisi CS dalam bidang keilmuan
MP-04b: Metodologi Penelitian Ilmu Komputer Bidang-bidang dalam Computing Apakah itu Computing – The discipline of Computing is the systematic study of algorithmic processes that describe and transform information: their theory, analysis, design, efficiency, implementation, and application. Menurut IEEE CC 2013 Computing terdiri dari – Computer Science (CS) – Computer Engineering (CE) – Information Systems (IS) – Information Technology (IT) – Software Engineering (SE)
MP-04b: Metodologi Penelitian Ilmu Komputer Apakah itu CS Computer Science is the study of phenomena related to computers, Newell, Perlis and Simon, Computer Science is the study of information structures, Wegner, 1968, Curriculum 68. Computer Science is the study and management of complexity, Dijkstra, Computer Science is the mechanization of abstraction, Aho and Ullman Computer Science is a field of study that is concerned with theoretical and applied disciplines in the development and use of computers for information storage and processing, mathematics, logic, science, and many other areas.
MP-04b: Metodologi Penelitian Ilmu Komputer Apakah itu CS
MP-04b: Metodologi Penelitian Ilmu Komputer Science vs Engineering
MP-04b: Metodologi Penelitian Ilmu Komputer Metode Ilmiah dalam Ilmu Komputer Menurut Vera Goebel & Thomas Plagemann 1.Modeling 2.Theoretical Computer Science 3.Experimental Computer Science 4.Computer Simulation Menurut Jose Nelson Amaral 1.Formal 2.Experimental 3.Build 4.Process 5.Model Menurut Serge Demeyer 1.Feasibility study 2.Pilot Case 3.Comparative study 4.Observational Study [a.k.a. Etnography] 5.Literature survey 6.Formal Model 7.Simulation
MP-04b: Metodologi Penelitian Ilmu Komputer Influence of Society
MP-04b: Metodologi Penelitian Ilmu Komputer CS sebagai ilmu interdisiplin
MP-04b: Metodologi Penelitian Ilmu Komputer Metode Ilmiah Formal – In Computing Science, formal methodologies are mostly used to prove facts about algorithms and system. Researchers may be interested on the formal specication of a software component in order to allow the automatic vercation of an implementation of that component. Alternatively, researchers may be interested on the time or space complexity of an algorithm, or on the correctness or the quality of the solutions generated by the algorithm. Experimental – Experimental methodologies are broadly used in CS to evaluate new solutions for problems. Experimental evaluation is often divided into two phases. In anexploratory phase the researcher is taking measurements that will help identify what are the questions that should be asked about the system under evaluation. Then an evaluation phase will attempt to answer these questions. A well-designed experiment will start with a list of the questions that the experiment is expected to answer. Build – A build research methodology consists of building an artifact | either a physical artifact or a software system | to demonstrate that it is possible. To be considered research, the construction of the artifact must be new or it must include new features that have not been demonstrated before in other artifacts. Process – A process methodology is used to understand the processes used to accomplish tasks in Computing Science. This methodology is mostly used in the areas of Software Engineering and Man-Machine Interface which deal with the way humans build and use computer systems. The study of processes may also be used to understand cognition in the eld of Artcial Intelligence. Model – The model methodology is centered on dning an abstract model for a real system. This model will be much less complex than the system that it models, and therefore will allow the researcher to better understand the system and to use the model to perform experiments that could not be performed in the system itself because of cost or accessibility. The model methodology is often used in combination with the other four methodologies. Experiments based on a model are called simulations. When a formal description of the model is created to verify the functionality or correctness of a system, the task is called model checking.
MP-04b: Metodologi Penelitian Ilmu Komputer Modeling
MP-04b: Metodologi Penelitian Ilmu Komputer Hal-hal penting dalam Modeling How to model? – What to take into account /neglect? -> features Is the model appropriate? – Purpose, resolution, level of abstraction Aspects of features / behavior? Difference to reality? Validation? Are the results valid? Special constraints
MP-04b: Metodologi Penelitian Ilmu Komputer Theroritical CS Logic and Mathematics – Objects (axioms) – Operations (rules) Conceptualization, modeling, and analysis: data models, algorithms, complexity – Data model: values of data objects and operations Different levels of abstraction Efficiency Methodologies: iteration, recursion, induction
MP-04b: Metodologi Penelitian Ilmu Komputer Experimental CS Information processes: formulate phenomena, explanations, testing Experiments: theory testing, exploration – Theoretical predictions Reality – Edsger Dijkstra: “… an experiment can only show the presence of bugs (flows) in a theory, not their absence.”
MP-04b: Metodologi Penelitian Ilmu Komputer Computer Simulation
MP-04b: Metodologi Penelitian Ilmu Komputer Computer Simulation Investigations beyond current experimental capabilities Study phenomena that cannot be replicated in laboratories Guided by theory and experimental results (feedback loop) Simulate phenomena and processes
MP-04b: Metodologi Penelitian Ilmu Komputer Metode Riset Demeyer 1.Feasibility study Here is a new idea, is it possible ? 2.Pilot Case (Demonstrator) Here is an idea that has proven valuable; does it work for us ? 3.Comparative study Here are two techniques, which one is better ? 4.Observational Study [a.k.a. Etnography] Understand phenomena through observations 5.Literature survey What is known ? What questions are still open ? 6.Formal Model How can we understand/explain the world 7.Simulation What would happen if …
MP-04b: Metodologi Penelitian Ilmu Komputer Case Studies
MP-04b: Metodologi Penelitian Ilmu Komputer Case Studies
MP-04b: Metodologi Penelitian Ilmu Komputer Proposal Penelitian atau Skripsi 1.What is the problem? (Literature!) new problem -> find a solution known problem & existing problems -> find a better solution 2.What has been done (by others) already to solve this problem? (Literature!) 3.What is missing? What is not good in other approaches/solutions? (Literature!) 4.What are you planning to do? 5.What will be the result(s) in the end? 6.Rough idea (description) of the way to the end -finished thesis (to reach the goal, i.e. solve the problem)includes time plan: what has already been achieved what has still to be done