Manchester Accelerator Group Strategy Roger M. Jones, 11 th July 2011
Group Members Academic staff Roger M. Jones Hywel Owen Rob Appleby Swapan Chattopadhyay (honoury prof) Steve Peggs (visiting prof) +potential 2 new staff in the latest recruitment round Research staff Ian Shinton (EuCARD +CI --RMJ) Inna Nesmiyan (EuCARD --RMJ) Alessandro D’Elia, former CERN Fellow (EuCARD + CI --RMJ) Adina Toader (CI core --HO) +3 new PDRAs tba (--RA + RMJ) Students 15 PhD (3 STFC quota awards, 4 CERN-supported scholarships + Cockcroft support, 2 Royal Thai Government support, 1 DESY lab +EuCARD support)
Motivation All members of group have a strong background in Beam Dynamics and RF Either through past or developing direct association with Daresbury Lab (RA, HO), CERN (RMJ, RA), SLAC/DESY/KEK/PSI (RMJ) Physics of beams in large machines (LHC, CLIC) are being complemented with developing interests in compact linacs (a few MeV e- and MeV proton) and medical rings (FFAGs in particular). Linac light sources could be an extraordinary opportunity on the near horizon. Plasma and laser acceleration offers previously undreamt of realms of acceleration (>10GeV/m)
Core Interests Beam dynamics and RF of Accelerators Circular –LHC (basic optics + crab cavity –RA, collimation –RMJ,RA, wakefields -RMJ, machine detector interface -RA) –ALICE (beam dynamics, FELs -HO), EMMA (electron –proof of concept -HO), CONFORM2 (proton proposal –HO, RA) Linear (Linacs..) –CLIC (fundamental physics of intense fields and charges –managing and understanding electrical breakdown, controlling intense wakefields, crab cavity beam dynamics and RF -RMJ) –Light sources (XFEL &FLASH at DESY, Hamburg –studying higher order beam excited modes and building diagnostics -RMJ). Collaboration with Univ. of Rostock, DESY lab. –Compact linacs (emerging application –medical and cargo scanning/security, gantry design). Collab with Univ. of Lancs +STFC (-RMJ, HO) –HIE-ISOLDE (SC upgrade of REX linac at CERN –Manchester PhD student leads beam dynamics + Manchester PDRA leads RF -RMJ)
Present Support Cockcroft Inst. Rob Appleby (0.2), Hywel Owen (0.2), Roger M. Jones (0.3), 2 new academics (50/50) EuCARD +Cockcroft (£400k/yr in addition to fac/staff support) At present this supports 4 PDRAs Studentships 3 STFC quota, 1 DESY, 4 CERN, 2 Royal Thai Government + CI core,1 CERN + Univ. Leuven CERN Direct LHC Luminosity upgrade (>£400k over 3 years -RA) CLIC main linac (>£400k over 3 years RA -RMJ), CERN Project Scientist (RMJ) EuCARD2 Main linac +crab + SC XFEL in negotiation (~£600k –RMJ) Novel LHC collimation (£150k? –RA/RMJ) ESS PhD studentship (RMJ) New Support
Additional Support (in negotiation) PSI (Geneva) Proton cyclotron for medical applications (200 MeV). Upgrade with a 200 MeV linac (400 MeV total, low current imaging). Discussions with Mike Seidel (RMJ) Clatterbridge (Manchester) Gantry design for Christie hospital. (HO) CONFORM2 bid Compact proton ring (radioactive isotope production et al) (HO) ESS (Lund) 1 studentship on beam dynamics analysis of higher order modes (RMJ), 1 PDRA ? SuperB Workshop at Jesus college, Oxford, indicates potential (RA)
Future Directions Maintain strong collaboration with CERN (at present leading the main linac beam dynamics and structure design –CERN have paid for fabrication of 2 structures ~£100k and are expected to support an additional series) Maintain collaboration with LHC esp. on luminosity upgrade (background studies, collimators, beam dynamics) Strengthen developing interests in FFAGs, accelerator-based nuclear isotope production, Gantry design (Christie hospital) Explore SuperB potential Light sources –at X-band (~12 GHz) are looking increasing realistic (Netherlands, LANL Marie project). There exists significant potential to: 1. play a reading role in design of structure and beam dynamics 2. capitalise on the experience to persuade STFC+EPSRC to invest in a 1-2 GeV linac at Daresbury (FELs + wakefield test facility for the community) Plasma/Laser have the potential to reach extraodinary electric fields – laser facility at Manchester combined with low emittance/high quality beams may allow this to be explored. Worth taking advantage of potential to collaborate with the new CI/Imperial lecturer.
Education and Training Vibrant education and training programme (lecturers from Univ. Liverpool, Lancs, Manchester and often international lecturers) Held autumn, spring summer Recent (last week) series of lecture 15 lectures last week from Prof. Alex Chao (Stanford Univ.) indicative: 1.Echo effect in accelerators 2.Laser plasmaEssentials of Lattice Design Codes 3.Gravitational instability (potential cross-fertilisation?) 4.Lie algebra This is one lecture out of a series of many… Spring 2010 Hywel Owen on Essentials of Lattice Design Codes Summer 2011 Physics and Applications of Polarised Beams: Part I Fundamentals of spin and role in high energy physics Autumn 2011 Rob Appleby on Beam Dynamics Average 4 lecturers per semester
Extra Slides!
Overall CI Strategy RMJ/SW
LHC LHC luminosity upgrade – European project over 4 years for LHC luminosity push to 5x10 34 (leveled) for ATLAS and CMS – HL-LHC-Manchester funded over four years 0.35 of Appleby, 0.15 of Barlow, 48 month PDRA, 24 month PDRA + travel Some contribution from CI core PDRA support Optics design Collimation upgrade Crab cavity dynamics Novel collimation for proton machines – Possibility of EUCARD2 involvement, but early stages – Linked to HL-LHC but focused on advanced concepts LHC-experiment interface – Appearing as Manchester-LHCb rolling grant – MDI package in possible HL-LHC extension General activities supported in CI core – 0.2 of Appleby, plus PDRA
Novel beam dynamics Symplectic maps for small and time dependent machines – High risk; planned ERC bid this summer Proton FFAGs for medical applications – Conform 2, ion-tissue experiments (?) ESS collimation Computational aspects e.g. GPU exploitation Rob Appleby CLIC linear collider – Interaction region and post-IP beam dynamics – Funded through EUCARD1 European project till 2012, partial PDRA LHeC design report and next steps Possible involvement in SuperB machine design but very early stages… Electron colliders
Research Plans (Hywel Owen) Major Items EMMA/CONFORM2 Bid/Isotopes – 3-5 Years – Design and build of mini-proton FFAG ring, probably at Huddersfield – Demo of induction acceleration – Associated bids to look at security applications – Already have CLASP (£20k out of £75k) grant to look at isotope production – Existing PG experiments on EMMA – Collaboration on DAEDALUS – beam merge Novel proton therapy technologies – 3-5 Years – EUCARD2 bid on new proton delivery for radiography – Uprated gantry design – Novel diagnostic technique for radiography – bid to go in for detector design/test
Research Plans (Hywel Owen) Minor Items Accelerator-Driven Reactors – Design of CONSORT ADS Experiment (paper submitted) – Design of multi-beam ADS (NTEC student project + PG with Imperial) Beam Dynamics: Novel beam dynamic schemes – Path corrector (paper in preparation) – Compact electron storage ring (paper in preparation) – LHC collimation physics (Adina Toader, paper in preparation) – GPU space charge calculations (summer students, perhaps PG)
A few pictures of results to date Path corrector scheme for ERLs Induction cell for FFAG Measured acceleration trajectories in EMMA MCNP model of CONSORT reactor adapted for ADS Bunch orbits in compact multibunch proton FFAG