Food Justice: Think about… Power Shift activity Primary
Become an active Global Citizen!
Aims To understand that different groups have different amounts of power To know what a fairer global food system would be like To think about what actions different people can take to make the global food system fairer
Want to change something? What matters to you in school? What would you like to change?
A power matrix Against the issue For the issue Think about who is important for your chosen issue… Where would they fit on this line?
Who is most important? Who would you choose to target if you only had one choice? Why? What makes them more or less powerful? Is thinking about power useful to thinking about how you can change things?
Power When you are able to control something or someone
Food justice – the issue What does a fairer food system look like? More money is used to help small farmers grow more food Land for small farmers is protected Small farmers helped to find new ways to grow food as climate changes Food prices are lower Help is given to small farmers sell food to shoppers more directly Carbon emissions are reduced Less meat is eaten to help cut carbon and increase food for everyone This is what needs to be done….
Food for Thought: Think about… Who can do something? What can they do? Primary
Shift action activity Look at the examples of what different groups have been able to do make the food system fairer You need to decide which is the most important action and say WHY You can use the impact line to help…
Work out the impact
Put an ‘X’ on the line where you think the action should go, and give your reason next to it
What did you pick? Things done by Governments? Other people? Businesses? Charities (or NGOs)? Did you like things aimed at direct change now, or helping to change in the future?
What could you do…? Support someone else’s action? Do your own action? How could you maximise your impact? Aimed at people here or further away?
Use the ideas sheet to help
Now its time to Act!
Make a change… If you have one, complete the think section of your wallchart!
Class for change And when you have learnt about the food system, thought about how it could change and planned and done something yourself, share what you have learnt at A space for active global citizens!
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