5 Themes of Geography Haiti _ _
Location Haiti is a county in the exotic Caribbean sea. Its part of an island just below and to the right of Cuba and its fellow country on the island is the Dominican Republic on the right. The capital of the exotic country is Port-au-Prince which you might have guessed is a vibrant port city. The city closest to the sea on the west side of the huge island is Anse d'Hainault which is a port nestled in the vibrant tropical mountains. If you want to be exact in your vacation planning, the absolute location of the amazing country is 18.9712 North and 72.2852 west.
Place After our barbie, my mattes and I strutted off our ship in our togs at the coast of Haiti. This beautiful place was abundant with tropical rain forests. I could feel the warm breeze blowing in from the sea. I was dripping sweat smelly of fish and body odors. My stomach was chockers of pork ribs. I walked in to this country looking at all the other mattes practicing this thing they call voodoo everyone I see was practicing voodoo I was dumbfounded. I found my way here through traveling the Artibonite after crossing the Gonave gulf. I could not understand these mattes here in Haiti. They taught me French and Creole the two major languages these people speak here in Haiti.
Human Environment Interaction Once you step foot off the plane, all you see is glorious mounting jutting out of the ground. Mountains cover nearly 80% of the country. As you head to the place your staying in, you pass many houses made of concrete or thick branches. You later find out that they build them that way because of earthquakes that happen year-round. The guide talks about the disastrous earthquake with a 7.0 magnitude that hit in 2010. The next day you hike up a mountain to visit a family. When you arrive, the family is planting. It's very hard due to the over-cultivated soil. The guide says that the average amount of land a family has is two acres because of the mountainous country. You also see two tired looking men cutting down trees. They say that they are cutting down the trees to get more land to farm. You see many fields with the same crop and you find out that they have been supplying 40% of the sugar the world consumes for over 105 years.
Movement Click You get off the bus at Port-au-Prince, the largest port in Haiti. You see ships from America, Haiti's main export partner, being loaded with good like; essential oils, cocoa, mangoes, coffee, and bitter oranges. Other ships are being unloaded with wheat and rice from America. You walk pass the market on your way to church. You see food and manufactured goods from all around the world. You get to church to listen to gospels from this new Protestant religion that has been spreading throughout the country. Walking home from church you stop at the market to get rice for dinner, and soak the blue of the Caribbean Sea.