Fraternities and collegiate rape culture
Rape culture Is a set of values and beliefs that provide an environment conducive to rape Generic culture surrounding rape not the specific settings in which it is likely to occur More likely to exist in fraternities with more alcohol drugs and a higher place on social life Learned in the setting not a previous knowledge
“Studs” vs. “Sluts” Men glorified while women are harassed for hooking up Men’s sexuality is seen as more natural acceptable and uncontrollable “men cannot control their sexual urges” (excuse) Men viewed as initiators while women are passive or active resisters Portrayal of aggression and domination of men over women in sexual behavior
High risk vs. Low risk parties High risk: skewed gender ratios, less friendly, segregation; men on one side women on the other, women respected less, crude behavior touching pick up lines and no one on one conversation, more drugs and drinking Low risk: equal number of men and women, friendly atmosphere, considerable interaction between men and women, couples, and coed groups, no cursing or yelling
Relationships viewpoints and definitions The more people drank the more conversation and socializing broke down Hooking up: GUY: getting drunk and meeting up with a girl you sort of know but don’t care about to try to get as much physical pleasure out of her as possible with no strings attached. GIRL: only with men they care about to kiss and make out but not sex, disappointing because they were looking for a long term relationship Seeing each other: having sex but could date other people Men control the relationships, who its with, how much time they spend together and if its cool Horrible environment for healthy boy girl relationships To guys most see a girlfriend as someone who you hang out with after the guys to provide a sexual outlet. When men are in groups with other men they sense a pressure to be disrespectful to women