Irman G. Lanti Assistant Country Director / Practice Team Leader Democratic Governance, UNDP Indonesia
Indonesia is producing a National Strategy on REDD+, in which the road map to voluntarily reduce carbon emissions by 26% (41% by international support) by 2020 is being drafted. Strengthening governance of the forestry sector is one of the priorities of the GoI as mentioned in the NS REDD+. It includes the existence of legal structure, bureaucracy reform of the forestry sector and participation of people living in and surrounding the forest.
The success of the GoI’s REDD+ agenda is highly dependent on the preparedness of the government and other stakeholders to implement the agenda. The PGA is crafted in such a way to be the tool of the GoI and other stakeholders to measure the level of preparedness of the various regions in Indonesia in implementing REDD+ agenda. The PGA is also expected to issue recommendations, based on the assessment findings, on what should be done to improve the level of preparedness. The PGA is also used as a tool to provide public information on the safeguards as well as the status of their development, as mandated by the Para 69 and 71d of Cancun negotiation text.
The PGA on REDD+ in Indonesia is looking at three main areas: ◦ Existence of clear, firm, and consistent policy and legal framework on forestry management, including anti-corruption strategy ◦ The actual application of the policies ◦ Capacities of the stakeholders (government, CSOs, local, and indigenous communities) in implementing REDD+
After series of initial consultations involving multiple stakeholders, it was decided that the PGA will be implemented by UNDP using DIM (Direct Implementation) modality, due to situation of competing interests among the major stakeholders UNDP is viewed as a neutral, and trusted party Nevertheless, UNDP remains faithful to the participatory nature of the assessment by conducting consultative meetings at each of the important decision points design finalisation, data collection, data evaluation, recommendations-drafting, and launching of the PGA
The stakeholders involved include: ◦ REDD+ Taskforce of the Presidential Working Unit for Supervision and Management of Development (UKP4) ◦ Ministry of Forestry ◦ Ministry of National Development Planning (Bappenas) ◦ Ministry of Environment ◦ Provincial and District Governments ◦ Academics ◦ CSOs, indigenous people association ◦ Businesses PGA provinces: Aceh, Riau, Jambi, South Sumatra, West Kalimantan, Central Kalimantan, East Kalimantan, Central Sulawesi, West Papua, Papua
The PGA revolves around the expert panel. It functions to design the methodology, supervise the data collection, evaluate the data, and draft recommendations and report. It consists of academics, activists, and government, covering all areas of the PGA The panel’s variety of members guarantees independence of the process, as no single perspective will dominate.
The PGA on REDD+ in Indonesia has accomplished multistakeholder consultations in four important provinces, Central Kalimantan, Riau, Central Sulawesi, and Papua. It has also accomplished government consultations with the relevant ministries and agencies at the national level. The expert panel is currently in the process of finalising the design, which will then be consulted with the ministries and agencies
After that, a third-party institution will be assigned to collect the data The data collected then will be analysed by the expert panel, producing an index and a set of recommendations, collated into a report Report will be launched in April 2012 (plan) The socialisation of the result of the PGA will be done in ways that promote sustainability. UNDP is expected to facilitate the PGA only in its early stage. It is expected that the tool will be incorporated as part of the monitoring and evaluation of the upcoming REDD+ national institutions.
Government buy-in is paramount; since the beginning sustainability should be the basis of discussion Emphasis on evidence based planning / policy formulation Partnership with other stakeholders is beneficial Multistakeholder engagement is important Defining criteria early is critical Non-threatening messages Emphasis on UNDP’s neutral position Opportunities for learning and being part of a global programme