Genetic Disorders
Genetic disorders Disorders caused by abnormalities in an individual’s DNA These can be inherited (germ cell) or caused by a mutation (somatic)
Cystic Fibrosis About Defective gene causing a thick, buildup of mucus in the lungs, pancreas and other organs. Lungs: mucus clogs the airways and traps bacteria leading to infections, extensive lung damage and eventually, respiratory failure Pancreas: mucus prevents the release of digestive enzymes that allow the body to break down food and absorb vital nutrients. Symptoms Salty skin, persistent coughing, lung infections, wheezing, poor growth, male infertility
Cystic Fibrosis continued Genetics Individual must inherit a copy of the defective gene from each parent Only having one copy = carrier US Apx 30,000 people have CF Apx 1,000 new cases each year More than 75% diagnosed by age 2 Outcome Predicted survival age of 40 about-cystic-fibrosis about-cystic-fibrosis
Huntington’s Disease About Fatal genetic disorder causing a break down of nerve cells in the brain Deteriorates a person’s physical and mental abilities Symptoms Personality changes, mood swings, and depression Forgetfulness and impaired judgement Unsteady gait Slurred speech, difficulty swallowing, and weight loss
Huntington’s Disease Continued Genetics Inherited autosomal dominant Only one parent has to pass the gene onto their offspring Stages Early: subtle changes in coordination, difficulty thinking through problems, depressed, and irritable Middle: movement disorders, thinking and reasoning difficulties Late: completely dependent upon others for care, can no longer walk, unable to speak Death is typically caused by complications of the disease (choking or infection) US Apx 30,000 affected
Down Syndrome Symptoms Low muscle tone, small stature, upward slant to the eyes, and a single deep crease across the center of the palm Genetics Trisomy 21: a third 21 st chromosome Caused by nondisjunction Only 1% have a hereditary component US 1/691 babies will be born with DS Apx 400,000 Apx 6,000 babies born with DS each year
Down Syndrome Continued story/
Sickle Cell Anemia About Individual receives inadequate amount of oxygen to cells because of the “sickle shape of the cell, carrying less oxygen, and because sickle cells can block blood flow
Genetics: Autosomal recessive Both parents must pass on the recessive copy of the mutated gene th/health- topics/topics/sca/causes
Celiac Disease About Autoimmune disorder Ingestion of gluten leads to damage of small intestine Body’s immune system will attack the small intestine when gluten comes in contact with it Damage to SI does not allow proper absorption of nutrients
Thalassemia's About: Excessive destruction of red blood cells leading to anemia Anemia: body has an abnormally low number of RBC Reduced number of RBC= decrease in hemoglobin= decrease in oxygen delivery throughout body Most common in people from SE and Central Asia, Mediterranean, Middle East, India, and North Africa Genetics Inherited from parents Both parents must pass the trait onto the offspring
Fragile X About Causes intellectual disability, behavioral and learning challenges, and physical characteristics Most frequently affects males, and to a greater degree Does not affect life expectancy Symptoms Males: significant intellectual disability, large ears, long face, ADD, ADHD, autism/autistic behaviors, sensory disorders Females: mild-moderate intellectual disability (2/3) Genetics Mutation on the X chromosome Mother with the permutation has a 50% chance of passing It off to her offspring (because she automatically donates the X chromosome) If the permutation is passed on, it can remain a permutation of mutate into a full mutation which will cause the offspring to exhibit the symptoms Father with mutated X xhromosome will always pass it onto their daughter
Muscular Dystrophy About Cause progressive weakness and loss of muscle mass Proteins needed to form healthy muscle are not produced Types (Common) Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy: affects males, symptoms noticed between ages 2-3 Becker MD – milder than DMD, progress slower, symptoms present themselves between teen and mid-20s Genetics Inherited or spontaneous mutation dystrophy#.je27wejxD
Dwarfism (skeletal dysplasia) About Causes a reduction in growth hormone production Symptons/Complications Delays in motor skills development, such as sitting up, crawling and walking Frequent ear infections and risk of hearing loss Bowing of the legs Difficulty breathing during sleep (sleep apnea) Pressure on the spinal cord at the base of the skull Excess fluid around the brain (hydrocephalus) Crowded teeth Progressive severe hunching or swaying of the back with back pain or problems breathing Narrowing of the channel in the lower spine (spinal stenosis), resulting in pressure on the spinal cord and subsequent pain or numbness in the legs Arthritis Weight gain that can further complicate problems with joints and the spine and place pressure on nerves
Genetics Can inherent from parents: autosomal dominant OR mutated gene (80% of cases)