AT&T Classroom Week 6: Day 1
BlogBlog (9:15-9:30) Log onto our class blog: Review the blog Review D5 choices - iPods-Reminder app
Science (9:30-10:00) Read The Lorax Discuss how this book fits in with our study on natural resources
Science (9:30-10:00) Why is he called the “Once-ler”? Why did he use ALL the Truffala trees? Why did the Barbaloots leave? How did the factory cause problems for the environment? What does it mean when there is just the word “Unless”? How could he make thneeds without destroying the environment? What do you have at home that you need? How can you conserve it or use less of it?
Daily Five (10:00-10:20) Read to Self Raz Kids Work on Writing: Toontastic ZListen to Reading ZRaz-Kids ZListen to Reading Apps ZWord Work: ZWord Apps ZPortaportal
Mini-Lesson (10:20-10:50) Writing Prompt: Write a story with a beginning, middle, and end Write a story about the Thneed factory, but change the story so that the forest and the Bar-ba-loots are saved. Write your story in your notebook: Illustrate your story using
Daily Five (10:50-11:10) Read to Self Raz Kids Work on Writing: Lorax story ZListen to Reading ZRaz-Kids ZListen to Reading Apps ZWord Work: ZWord Apps ZPortaportal
Spelling (11:10-11:20) Introduce new spelling rimes Use Spelling Test Free app on iPod -Take spelling rimes and find a quiet area to enter spelling rimes into the test -Record words
Reflection (11:20) Talk about the day :)