Attendance Improvements over the last 12 months
ANALYSIS ACTION Solutions to raise the profile of attendance in school. Persistent Absence – analysis termly and with comparisons to previous years. Year group and Class attendance breakdowns to identify poor performance and look at solutions. Absence codes breakdown –strategy to reduce illness code which is the largest proportion of school absence. Leave of Absence analysis – zero tolerance to absence during term time but offering families an alternative. Pupil Premium Children. Gender Analysis. Working and communicating effectively with families and parents. Inset Days. Statutory School Age children. Nursery Children – setting attendance standards. Brochures, leaflets. Assemblies. Full time Attendance Officer – to be trained and qualify with the Ofsted recognised ‘Attendance Officer Certificate.’ Attendance certificates termly, class Kite Competition medals Half Termly, F2 & Y1 sticker Reward Chart prizes, Family Prize Draw. Penalty Fining introduced for Leave of Absence, persistent unauthorised absence and poor punctuality. Closing the school for a week at the end of June for parents to take children on holiday. Late gates – closing registers at 9.15am and closely monitoring. Phone calls, letters, texts and asking for medical evidence if required. Referring to Targeted support and intervening with family support at a much earlier stage. Home Visits where necessary for unreported absences. Persistent Absence Tracker. Informal and Panel meetings in school with parents. Termly attendance letters to parents with their child’s attendance and punctuality. Newsletters/Website –with up to date attendance figures. Attendance ‘Focus Day’ date in School Diary. Looking into the possibility of offering free Breakfast club to vulnerable families next school year
A dramatic increase in percentage attendance Falling numbers of Persistent Absentees
F2 & Key Stage 2 classes celebrating winning their half termly medals. The lucky family prize draw winner!
LABOR OMNIA VINCIT ‘ hard work conquers all ’