UNNAYAN Uttar Pradesh Public Libraries Progress/ Elevation
Contents A brief Introduction- About the State About the Library network Key Stakeholders Key Partners Key Initiatives Learnings & Future outlook….
Population: 20crs + (200 million ) Districts- 75 Literacy rate % Capital- Lucknow
Public Library Network in the state State Central Library, Allahabad Allahabad Public Library & Amir-Ud-Daula Public Library Government District Libraries- 70 Extension Centers of District Libraries-100 Support to Libraries Run By NGOs/other institutions- 1995
Key Stakeholders State library cell District librarian District library committee Community/Users
Functionally State Library Cell, OSD office Coordinating unit: SLSU District Library District Library Committee Users Block Libraries Panchayat Libraries NGOs/ Others
Key Partners- The list keeps getting bigger BMGF- Pilot programme in 7 districts, Now the scale up programme RRRLF-Infrastructure and resource support NML- Two libraries are to be strengthened as modern public libraries NIC- Implementation of automation programme and server support UPTRON- Technology infrastructure & Maintenance K Nimbus- E library Kusuma Foundation
Year 2015…….We focussed on three aspects 1.Improve basic services 2.Add new services 3.Look at Expansion through various modes
1.Improving basic services : In the pilot phase of BMGF, some libraries had initiated automation, through OPAC, UP Libraries have partnered with NIC to scale up the automation across 70 district libraries on suggestion from Librarians. Training to coordinators and computer operators provide by NIC for implementation Computers, Internet and related equipment has been provided for effective implementation OPAC will be linked to new websites of respective libraries 3 districts of Lucknow, Barabanki and Ghaziabad have completed their entry process
2. New Services introduction : E-Library services from K-Nimbus introduced to augment the book resources Training programmes conducted for all district library coordinator and operators Training provided for Information services and imparting of basic computer training to members of the library More services in children sections, support received in Pilot libraries. Computer section Information service & E library Enriched Services for children
3.Expansion of geographical reach through district Libraries Setting up extension centres through BRCs Through Village panchayats Other proposals include, concept like Weekend libraries through school and college buildings
By facilitating ……. More staff support Capacity building on a continuous basis infrastructural support Upgrading computer infrastructure Net connectivity Operating manuals and formats Getting real-time information from the Ground
State level events & Training programme
Addition of resources aimed towards providing new age services….Orientation & training
Other training sessions……
Glimpses of public libraries in association with BMGF – Pilot Phase
Going into the future…..
Learnings and…..
1. Strengthening Hub and Spoke Approach: To develop and Strengthen the Branch Libraries (Vistar Patal) State Library Cell District Libraries Block Libraries Panchayat Libraries
2.Involving Community for Sustainability Our Librarians know the Local Resources Resource directory to be made Bring the community closer to Library Let the Library Benefit from their Skills and Expertise Organizing regular workshops
3. Library Development Planning: Librarian led, Library Specific Planning Keeping the local context and priorities Objectives of the year Required efforts Regular organization of events, workshops and activities State along with other partners can facilitate the process
4. Rearrangement/Redesign of libraries We look forward to more and more Libraries having separate spaces for Children & Computer section through rearrangement/ redesigning spaces
An Example
Result of Librarians Leadership in making the Change
For a New building, the learnings to be kept in mind: Knowledge resource neutral Inside spaces should be dynamic With technology support, increasingly move towards open access Separate Wash rooms as per need Accessibility for all Natural lighting Separate spaces for children and Computer section is a neccessity
5. Leadership In Libraries Our Librarians have been taking efforts to: To engage with District Library Committee and other organisations to improve facilities. Suggest ways and means to expand the library services through Hub and spoke - Panchayats and blocks and other concepts To modernise libraries through OPAC and technology innovations Introducing Career counselling services in libraries To make the libraries an active place
6. Advocacy/steps for strengthening Public Libraries… 1.Yearly state public library conference 2.Seminar on Community Engagement 3.Annual Seminar on Technology & Libraries 4.Yearly new edition of UNNAYAN -Innovation in libraries, so that learnings can be shared with all 5.Rewards and Recognition
Thanks to all our Partners and looking forward to many more… BMGF & partners -----Knowledge partners RRRLF- Infrastructure and other support NML- For development of modern libraries UPTRON- Technology hardware Partner NIC- For OPAC and server support K Nimbus- e-library Kusuma Foundation UPNEDA-For solar plant for electric supply SAMAJ KALYAN VIBHAG-Ramp for differently abled Our District Library Committees
Our Team…which made this possible…