State Regional Haze SIP Development Critical Path for Western States
“Simple” Process? Regional Planning Organization (WRAP) –Forums, Committees Multiple States and Tribes Multiple Federal Agencies –FLM’s –EPA Multiple Planning tracks Long Planning horizons
Which Planning Path? 40CFR –Participate with other States/Tribes in Regional Planning Organization. –Go it alone 40CFR –Available to Nine GCVTC Regional Transport States, Tribes within those States
Choices, Choices “309” Planning Path –AZ, CA, CO, ID, NV, NM, OR, UT, WY, and Tribes within –Control Strategies already developed through GCVTC Recommendations, Annex –Presumptive “Reasonable Progress” to improve visibility in 16 Colorado Plateau Class I areas (Low Hurdle) –Submittal due by Dec., 2003
Choices, Choices (cont.) “308” Planning Path –RPO Initial “Committal” SIP (defer core requirements) Due 1/3 yrs after EPA designates PM 2.5 Attainment/Non-Attainment areas Full SIP, w/core requirements due NLT 2008 –Go it Alone Initial SIP addresses core requirements Due 1/3 yrs after EPA designates PM 2.5 Attainment/Non-Attainment areas
WRAP Technical Work To Date Mostly to provide information for 308/309 decisions, support for initial 309 SIPs
What you should know by June 30, 2002 for 308/309 decision Steps 1-4 of 12-step SIP process Definition of Natural Conditions Indication of PM 2.5 Attainment/Non-Attainment Status Indication of timing of EPA designations Timing, scope of initial SIP submittals (2003 vs. 2005, or so; 16 Class I areas vs. all other Class I areas) Levels of Demonstration of Reasonable Progress (Annex presumed to be Reasonable Progress)
What you should know by June 30, 2000 (continued ) LTS Content in initial SIP (Annex vs. Other control measures) Annex/BMT vs. BART (No. BART sources) Clean Air Corridor Boundaries Projected Visibility Improvement in 16 class I areas, Point source SO 2 emission reduction Other –Reasonable Attribution, Critical Mass, etc.
What you might not know by June 30, 2000 ( What you don’t know won’t hurt you… ) Definition, Mobile source significance, Level of visibility impact in 16 Class I Areas Definition, Road dust significance, Level of visibility impact in 16 Class I Areas Visibility impacts from increased Rx Burning and Agricultural Burning Other
6/ a 5b 5c WRAP input Through June 30 A-M Where We are now… WRAP input through Dec. ’02 N-W
The next 1 ½ Years… 1/20036/20031/ Enabling Leg. BSMT, ESMP Etc. 6,8 9c Enabling Leg. Long Range Strategies Enabling Leg. Committal SIP LRS? Sched. dep on PM 2.5 des dt, att. status Earliest Anticipated PM 2.5 designations
On to 308 SIP’s 9a (1) 9b Start SIP for Other Class I Areas Sched. dep on PM2.5 des dt, att. status 1/2005
At last…(at least for awhile) 7 79b (2) 119b 1/2009 6/2008 6/2005 Latest Anticipated PM 2.5 Designations PM, NOx 5 yr rev.
“Simple” 1/2014 6/ Yr. rev Start SIP Revision 1/