Application for NEW Course Increase In Sanctioned Intake New College Kindly Bring the soft copy of the presentation (also it at one day before presentation ) along with three print outs of the PPT’s and supporting documents. Kindly attach additional slides with this PPT if required, this PPT covers only basic information/details which must be addressed in the given
Contents Institute Profile Land details Trust & Society Details Infrastructure & Facilities Director’s Profile & Faculty Plans for recruitment of senior faculty
In case of AICTE courses Only Status of AICTE approval: ___________________________________ Status of NBA Accreditation : ________________________________ Any other Information : ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________
Details of Courses/increase in sanctioned intake of seats Applied Courses Name Applied IntakeSession Session Sanctioned intake AdmissionsSanctioned intake Admissions
Justification for starting New Course/ Increase in Intake of seats (In One slide)
Land-Requirements for New College For Urban Area = 0.5 Acre (Yes/NO) __________ _____ For Rural Area= 2 Acre (Yes/No)__________ ______ Land Use Certificate (CLU) by Chief Town Planner (Yes/No)________ The land of permanent location of institution must be Minimum land must be as per the University norms In clear possession and registered in the name of the Society / trust, and Should be in single plot. In case of B.Sc Agriculture 10 Acres of Farm Land is required (4 Acres ownership & 6 Acres on lease basis) Attach scan copy/Photographs of the all the documents
Land Description Ownership statusLand Detail Society OwnRequirement as per normsAs per Actual Urban Area (0.5 Acre) Rural Area (2 Acre)
Build up Detail Built up floor space Instructional Area Administrativ e Area Student Amenities Area Other Photograph of the building Attach Photographs of the Building
ABOUT THE TRUST Nature of Trust: Educational Trust (Experience in Education field) Registered with: Name: S.No.Institutes already running under the TrustCourse running
Courses Name/ Department Number of seats allotted/ Applied in Course Professor (Number) Associate Professor (Number) Assistant Professor (Number) Total Faculty Members Faculty Detail
DepartmentCourse Name DesignationName of the faculty memberHighest Qualification obtained Name of the University from which Highest qualification obtained Experience Faculty Details
Library Detail Particulars : Books per course norms As per Actual Available in College Books per course (minimum 500 per year) :1500 Technical magazines 10
Supporting Staff Computer Programmer: Technical Assistant: Librarian: Attendant: Steno Typist cum clerk: Attendant: Superintendent
Laboratory Details Laboratory must be separate for each Course and must have sufficient equipment's to conduct the practical as per syllabus finalized by Board of Studies Course NameName of the Laboratory Equipment Available
Computer Requirements Computers : Minimum 20 PC with the ratio of 1:4 for UG and 1:2 for PG Courses (i.e. 1 PC after every 04 student for UG and 1 PC for each 2 students in PG) Legal Software: 03 Legal Application Software: Minimum 10 (as per syllabus requirement) LAN & Internet Facility (Minimum 1 Mbps) Mail Server and Client Server is desirable Generator/ AC etc Number of Computer Available : ___________________ Legal Application Software : ______________________ LAN and Internet Facility :________________________ Mail Server and Client Server: _____________________ Generator/ AC: _________________________________
Strengths and Weakness of the College (05 Each)
GUIDELINES FOR LAND AND BUILDING: Should be registered in the name of Society / Trust and should not be on lease / rent. Non-incumberance certificate should be attached. Trust / Society must got Change of Land use certificate (CLU)issued from chief town planner (as per Punjab Govt. rules) Land should not be mortgaged to bank or other financial institution. Building Plan should be approved from competent authority that is Chief Town Planner. All common amenities must be available like water, sewage, electricity, and clearance from pollution department, etc.. Power, sewerage, approved road etc. should be available. 70% construction of building must be available prior to inspection as per requirement of the 1 st year so as to start classes at the beginning of academic year
Academic Area for 05 courses: Five Class Rooms, 66 sq.m. each (0ne room per year per course of 60 seats):330 sq.m. Two Tutorial Rooms36 sq.m. each (per year per course of 60 seats):72 sq.m. Seminar Room, One:80 sq.m. Computer Lab., One:150 sq.m. Library One:200 sq.m. Total:832 sq. m.
Administrative Area (office Area) Director / Principal:30 sq.m. Chamber Office:20 sq.m. Main Office:50 sq.m. Administrative Office:10 sq.m. Placement Office:10 sq. m. Faculty Room (10 sq.m./faculty):90 sq.m. Reception Room:20 sq.m. Reprography Room:10 sq. m. Maintenance, Estate Office:10 sq.m. and store Conference Hall:100 sq.m. Total:350 sq.m.
Student Amenities Area Canteen:30 sq.m. Guest Room:10 sq. m. Medical Room:20 sq.m. Cooperative Store:50 sq.m. Two Toilets of 10 sq.m. each Total 20 sq.m (separately for male and female) Total :130 sq.m.
Faculty Requirement (each 60 seats) Director / Principal (per institute):1 Teaching Faculty(per 2 Units) Professor/Associate Prof:1 Assistant Professor:2 Lecturer:3 First year:5 Second year:7 Third Year:9 For the completion of degree the faculty may be appointed as follow