WORLD BANK Publications The reference of choice on development 1 Copyright Seminar Mayya Revzina World Bank Publications June 13, 2010
WORLD BANK Publications The reference of choice on development 2 Annual Copyright Seminar for all staff Copyright officer from the World Bank Group Library and Archives, and Legal counsel: copyright basics and copyright policy in The World Bank Copyright, licensing and rights officer from World Bank Publications: publishing and copyright
WORLD BANK Publications The reference of choice on development World Bank Publications Who are we, what do we do and how can we help you? World Bank Publications is an institutional publisher. Our publishing portfolio ranges from scholarly books co-published with world leading academic presses to flagship reports providing policy makers and the media with in-depth analysis on key development topics. Rights and Permissions team actively pursues and arranges translations, local editions, co-publications, electronic licensing, and other subsidiary rights for Bank titles. By doing so, we ensure authors reach a broader, multi-language readership worldwide at minimal cost to the Bank. Copyright helpdesk provides expertise on various copyright issues. 3
WORLD BANK Publications The reference of choice on development Copyright Helpdesk For WB staff: copyright assignment, permission to reproduce third party content, granting permission to use WB content for books and journals. For third parties wanting to reuse portions of WB content (permissions); Provide template permission forms (in and out); Negotiate permission fees (in and out); More than 500 permissions granted every year, mostly to requestors from developing countries; Copyright Helpdesk page is available on the Publications Intranet page under Rights and Permissions. Publications page also includes World Bank Statement on Copyright and Intellectual Property. 4.
WORLD BANK Publications The reference of choice on development Fair Use “The bad news is that even after careful consideration whenever you try to figure out if what you want to do is Fair Use you will most likely still be left with a giant gray area. The good news is that with some study of the four nonexclusive factors which form a framework to make your evaluations, your good faith effort may help enormously if you get sued.” Mary Minow, How I Learned to Love FAIR USE... Copyright & Fair Use, Stanford University Libraries at 5
WORLD BANK Publications The reference of choice on development Publishing Program & Licensing 150 books / year on social and economic development; 100+ contracts / year for translation or co-publication with about 60 publishers, in about 18 languages in 30+ countries; All publications and language editions are published and/or advertized on the Web; Existing co-publishing arrangements with academic and university presses who have experience in publishing and marketing World Bank content in different subject areas and in different languages; Electronic rights licenses with multiple partners, whose number is constantly growing. 6
WORLD BANK Publications The reference of choice on development Focus on Developing Countries 7 Our publications are mostly on developing countries; Our international rights efforts are focused on developing countries; We license our content to 350+ depository libraries in developing countries; Unlike the UN, the Bank does not have “official” languages; we try to reach everyone and license translations into any existing language, and so far have done so in 30+ languages. Reproduction requests for personal or educational use are processed through the CCC if the request is from a developed country and through Copyright Helpdesk of World Bank Publications if from a developing country; A list of published licensed editions is available on the Publications Web site
WORLD BANK Publications The reference of choice on development Digital Licensing 8 We publish an e-book version of each new title. E-books, available for a variety of e-reader devices, create new avenues for dissemination of WB knowledge. Our books are available through Amazon Kindle, Barnes & Noble Nook, Apple iPad, e-book Corporation, eBrary, Netlibrary, Ingram my-i-library and 20+ e-book vendors. We have developed a comprehensive e-Library: an online, fully cross-searchable portal of over 5,000 World Bank documents. E-Library subscribers gain unlimited access to a wealth of knowledge and expertise on development issues.e-Library All World Bank publications are available in Google books for full preview.
WORLD BANK Publications The reference of choice on development Open Access The World Bank has become an active participant and one of the pioneers of the Open Access and Open Data movement. It has recently made available for free download and use over 2,000 indicators from World Bank data sources: In addition, according to the new World Bank Terms and Conditions all the WB materials available through The World Bank Web site can be used for non-commercial purposes, provided they are properly attributed: Open Access initiative creates a lot of copyright confusion within The World Bank and outside it. 9
WORLD BANK Publications The reference of choice on development All we need is to hear from YOU! -- Such a joy to have this resolved Mayya, I wish I could award you the Order of Lenin for heroic services to the Bank's Motherland. -- Thank you, Phil! I don't see what prevents you from doing so: everything pertaining to Lenin should be in the public domain :)) 10
WORLD BANK Publications The reference of choice on development Contact Information World Bank Publications, Rights and Permissions Mayya Revzina, Rights Manager ( ) THANK YOU 11