May 25 Memorial Day!
May 26 Warm-Up: Take AR tests Gifted Hands - Discuss chapters in literature groups - Take Gifted Hands practice quiz - Read chapter Independent vocabulary & literature assignment - Dialectical Journals (6-7 total) Myths, Legends, Tales - Present mind maps & one-pagers AR - DUE Thursday
May 27 Warm-Up: Think-Pair-Share Discussion Gifted Hands Complete chapter Independent vocabulary & literature assignment - Dialectical Journals (6-7 total) Read chapters Independent vocab., literature assignment, & 7 dialectical journals DUE Friday Myths, Legends, Tales Finish presenting mind maps & one-pagers (See next slide) AR - DUE tomorrow
Gifted Hands Discussion Questions What have you learned about the time period while reading? What historical information does the writer include? What is the most interesting scene in the novel so far? What did the authors do to catch your attention? What are the main character’s most important traits? Why are these traits important? What literary elements does the writer use to help the reader understand the views of the character?
Gifted Hands Discussion Questions What motivates the protagonist’s actions? What would be “out of character” for Ben Carson? (In other words, what would he most likely never do?) How is the main character different from you? (besides m/f) Who is the antagonist? What is his/her/its motivation? Is there anything in this story that has happened to you? What is the one thing the writer makes you curious about? Why?
May 28 Warm Up: Library (1 st & 3 rd periods) to take AR tests Gifted Hands Complete chapters Independent vocab., literature assignment, & 7 dialectical journals DUE Friday - Develop Socratic Seminar questions (see next slide) based on assigned chapters, due Monday Myths, Legends, Tales - Present mind maps & one-pagers AR - DUE today
Socratic Seminar Questions Question Categories You are responsible for devising the following questions based on the chapters assigned to you for Gifted Hands by Ben Carson, M.D. and Cecil Murphey. These can be questions in which you want to know the answer. You will write the answer to your questions as they are discussed during the seminar. Character (3 questions) 1.Q ____________________________________________________ 1.A ____________________________________________________ 2.Q ____________________________________________________ 2.A ____________________________________________________ 3.Q ____________________________________________________ 3.A ____________________________________________________ Conflict (3 questions) 1.Q ____________________________________________________ 1.A ____________________________________________________ 2.Q ____________________________________________________ 2.A ____________________________________________________ 3.Q ____________________________________________________ 3.A ____________________________________________________ Plot (3 questions) 1.Q ____________________________________________________ 1.A ____________________________________________________ 2.Q ____________________________________________________ 2.A ____________________________________________________ 3.Q ____________________________________________________ 3.A ____________________________________________________
May 29 Warm Up: Library (1 st & 3 rd periods) to take Gifted Hands AR test Gifted Hands Socratic Seminar - Turn in literary packet & dialectical journals - Complete Gifted Hands quiz - Develop Socratic Seminar questions based on assigned chapters, due Monday - Novel review, due Monday Myths, Legends, Tales - Present mind maps & one-pagers