Aquatic Plant Management Society, Inc.
An international organization of scientists, educators, students, commercial pesticide applicators, administrators, and concerned individuals interested in the management and study of aquatic plants.
Aquatic Plant Management Society, Inc. Mission Statement: Promote environmental stewardship through scientific innovation and development of technology related to integrated plant management in aquatic and riparian systems.
APMS History s Incorporated in 1961 Hyacinth Control Society, Inc. focus on Florida & SE / water hyacinth Forum to exchange ideas management problems operational experiences research needs Annual Meeting / Journal
APMS History s Increased focus beyond management plant physiology control methods organizational strategies Increased focus beyond hyacinth hydrilla Eurasian watermilfoil Changed name to APMS in
APMS Core Values Provide platform for the exchange of science and technology Promote sustainable aquatic and riparian plant management through science Support and encourage sustained student involvement and education A membership that represents the entire spectrum of aquatic plant management, including scientists, regulators, operators, etc.
APMS in members 37 states 14 countries Representation researchers government administrators industry representatives businesses
Aquatic Plant Management Society, Inc. Focus on research / national issues Focus on operations / local issues - Florida (1976) - Western (1981) - MidSouth (1979) - Texas (1989) - South Carolina (1979) - Northeast (1999) - Midwest (1980) Seven Regional Chapters
Aquatic Plant Management Society, Inc. Financial Assets - July Year emergency reserve$180,000 Student Initiatives$214,433 Research grants Education & outreach Students at annual meeting Operating funds$143,673
APMS 2015 Annual Meeting July 12-15, 2015 Hilton Oceanfront Myrtle Beach South Carolina 220 Registered 50 Presentations (11 Poster) 13 Student Presentations
Student Presenter Initiatives Waive registration Hotel accommodations Text book of choice Presentation Cash awards (1-3 place) Student Luncheon Students elect Student Director Post-conference student tour
APMS Graduate Student Research Grant Funding ~ ½ APMS / ½ Regional Chapters (Members / Sponsors) $40,000 / two-year Grant 8 awarded since 1999 $334,000 total
Funding ~ ½ APMS / ½ Regional Chapters $40,000 / two years 2015 / 2016 Scott Nissen - Colorado State Exploring the Physiological Basis of 2,4-D Tolerance in Northern Watermilfoil x Eurasian Watermilfoil Hybrids APMS Graduate Student Research Grant
Sufficient Funding in APMS Treasury 100% APMS Funded 2016 / 2017 Rob Richardson - NCSU Aspects of Monoecious Hydrilla Physiology and Response to Herbicide Combination Treatments APMS Graduate Student Research Grant
APMS Awards for 2015 Honorary Membership (19) 10 year APMS Member Retired from major field Significant contributions to APMS and aquatic plant control Dr. David F. Spencer - USDA - Davis, CA 31-year APMS Member Numerous publications on ecology & management APMS President
APMS Awards for 2015 President’s Award Greg MacDonald - UFL - Gainesville, FL APMS Member since 1990 Extensive research & publications - grasses APMS President Linda Nelson - USACE - Vicksburg, MS APMS Member since 1991 Research and administration APMS President
APMS Awards for 2015 Outstanding Graduate Student Erika Haug - NCSU - Raleigh, NC Outstanding Journal Article Mike Netherland/LeeAnn Glomski - USACE Outstanding Research / Technical Contribution John Rodgers - Clemson, SC
APMS Awards for 2015 Max McCowen Friendship Award Steve Howell - NCSU - Raleigh, N C T. Wayne Miller Distinguished Service Jeff Schardt - Thomasville, GA
Membership $75 / year ( $20 student) $500 Sustaining Member 2 Journal issues / year 4 Aquatics magazine issues 3 Newsletters Social Media
Membership Resources White Papers Managers definition of aquatic plant control Herbicide resistance management Education / Outreach materials Understanding Invasive Weeds booklet Poster / membership brochures Sponsor FL Plant Camp for teachers Sponsor Regional Lakeville - NC, SC, AL
Upcoming Meetings Grand Rapids, MI Daytona Beach, FL Buffalo, NY