MLA Citation Practice Bibliography and In-Text Citations
Scholarly Journal Article in Print Author(s). "Title of Article." Title of Journal. Volume. Issue (Month Year): pages. Print. Marcus, Jeff. “Careers for Scientists.” Science Weekly (August 2012): Print
Scholarly Journal Article Online Author(s). "Title of Article." Title of Journal. Volume. Issue (Month Year): n.pag. Web. Access Day Month Year. Peters, James. “Occupational Therapists.” The Journal of Health Professions (July 2013): Web. Accessed 13 July 2013
Web Sites Author(s). Name of Web Page. Date of posting/revision. Name of institution/corporation affiliated with the site. Web. Access Day Month Year.. Cain, Kevin. "The Negative Effects of Facebook on Communication." Social Media Today RSS N.p., 29 June Web. 02 Jan
Online Articles Author(s). "Article Title." Title of Resource. Date of publication/update/posting. Web. Access Day Month Year. Mahzat, Amin. “Becoming a Firefighter.” Firefighter Monthly. 12 July Web. Retrieved July 2013.
Practice Game Practice
In Text Citations
Formatting Alphabetical order. Don't number or use bullets. Hanging indention. Meaning the first line is flush with the margin and all subsequent lines are indented. Remember the correct punctuation. Each citation uses periods, colons and commas...know where each goes. Always double spaced. Always. Since computers are easily accessible today, underlining has been replaced by italics. Your parenthetical citations MUST MATCH the beginning of your MLA documentation. For example: the parenthetical citation (Callenbach 56) easily matches the documentation of Callenbach, Ernest. Ecotopia. New York: Bantam Books, Print.
Parenthetical Citations: Close quotations BEFORE the citation. Conclude with punctuation AFTER the citation. The citation comes as the END of the sentence, not immediately after the piece of evidence. (Though socially and academically accepted at times, it is not in compliance with MLA standards if not at the end of the sentence.) Always start with author's last name and page number. Period. That's all you need. No p. or pg. No comma. Two authors? Like Inherit the Wind? Easy. (Lawrence and Lee 89). What if you used two pieces of evidence in that sentence? Still easy. (Brown 17; Jones 4549). If no author, use the first real word of the title (Appearance) or ("Appearance") depending on publication. The author's name can be referred to within the sentence...O'Rourke argues this point (45).
Practice Book with one author: Author: Mike Conroy Title: 500 Comic Book Villians City: Hauppage Publisher: Barron's Pub. Date: 2004 Mode: Print Parenthetical Citation: The quote you featured was on page 47; what does the internal citation look like?
ANSWER Book with one author: Conroy, Mike. 500 Comic Book Villians. Hauppage: Barron's, Print. Parenthetical Citation: (Conroy 47). Easily make this citation go from a book with an author to a book with an editor: Conroy, Mike, ed. 500 Comic Book Villians. Hauppage: Barron's, Print.
Article acquired using an online database: Author: Calvin Thomas Article Title: "Last Laughs: Batman, Masculinity, and the Technology of Abjection" Book Title: Men and Masculinities Volume: 9 Publisher: Scribner's Pub. Date: 2005 Access Date: January 15th, 2010 URL: Mode: Web Parenthetical Citation: You featured a quote from page 78, 82, 85, 86, 89 and 90; what does the internal citation look like?
Journal article acquired using an online database Thomas, Calvin. "Last Laughs: Batman, Masculinity, and the Technology of Abjection." Men and Masculinities. Vol. 9. Scribner's, Web. 15 Jan Parenthetical Citation: (Thomas 7890).
Website with Author Author: Brian McBride Title of Host Website: Comic Book Database Website Sponsor: Comic Book Database, Ltd. Copyright Date: 2007 Access Date: January 19th, 2010 URL: Mode: Web Parenthetical Citation: You featured a quote from this website; what does the internal citation look like?
Website with Author McBride, Brian. Comic Book Database. Comic Book Database, Ltd Web. 19 Jan Parenthetical Citation: (McBride).
Website no Author Article Title: "Surviving the Dust Bowl" Title of Host Website: American Enterprise Website Sponsor: Public Broadcasting System, Inc. Copyright Date: 2000 Access Date: February 7th, 2010 URL: Mode: Web Create a Parenthetical Citation
"Surviving the Dust Bowl." American Enterprise. Public Broadcasting System, Inc Web. 7 Feb Parenthetical Citation: ("Surviving").