Policy 100% foreign ownership No local content requirements No export requirements No restriction on foreign currency Tax Import duty exemptions/ reductions Corporate Income Tax/ Exemption for 3 to 8 years 50% reduction of corporate income tax for up to 5 years Double deduction on utility costs Deductions for qualifying infrastructure costs Non-Tax Land ownership rights Work permit & visa facilitation BOI’s Liberal Investment Regime & Attractive Investment Incentives
International Trading Centers (ITC) - Scope A juristic person which incorporated in Thailand that purchases and sells goods, raw materials and parts or provides international trading related services to juristic companies incorporated overseas. International trading related services include: Warehousing and inventory services Transportation of goods Advisory, Technical and Training services about trading Sourcing of goods Packaging activities Insurance on goods Other services as in Notification of the Director General of Revenue Department
ITC Activities Remark: Scope of ITC includes Procurement of raw materials and parts and services related to International Trading Centers ITC Client’s Companies located overseas Manufacturers/Trading Partners located overseas Goods Payment of goods Out-Out Client’s Companies located in Thailand Manufacturers/Tradi ng Partners located in Thailand Goods (wholesale only) In-In Purchase of goods Overseas Out-In Goods (wholesale only) In-Out Goods (1) (2) (3) (4) Payment of goods Purchase of goods
International Trading Centers (ITC)-Special Tax Regime (Revenue Department) Corporate Income Tax CIT exemption of net profits from revenue from purchase and sale of goods to its foreign branches or associated enterprises and such goods are not imported to Thailand (OUT-OUT), including revenue from marketing and logistics abroad for 15 accounting periods Personal Income Tax at the rate of 15% for expatriates in specialist or executive level working in ITC Condition Minimum paid up capital 10 million baht (250,000 euro)
5 One Start One Stop Investment Center 18th Floor, Chamchuri Square Building 319 Phayathai Road, Pathumwan Bangkok 10330, Thailand Tel: 66(0)