Pay Progression, PADR & Effective Appraisal Organisational Development Team 30 October 2015
Aim and Objectives: The aim of today’s session is to provide a ‘tool kit’ for appraisers to enable effective delivery of appraisals. The session objectives are to: Raise awareness of the importance of preparing for the PADR, and the roles and responsibilities of both appraiser and appraisee Identify the qualities needed to deliver an effective appraisal Consider the impact of the All Wales NHS Pay Progression Policy on PADR and experience the following using a scenario: – Gather constructive 3 rd party feedback – Evaluate performance – & give effective feedback to appraisees Recognise how personal objectives and those of the team/department, ‘fit’ with our organisational objectives/strategic goals Identify and apply KSF (Knowledge & Skills Framework) in the appraisal process Review the new PADR Paperwork & ESR Reflect and identify how you will take forward PADR in your work area
Having an appraisal Activity 1.What makes a good / poor appraisal? 2.What qualities do you bring as an appraiser that will engage staff in the appraisal process? 3.As an appraisee, what would be a good / preferred outcome of the appraisal?
Pay Progression/PADR Principles We will agree and understand what's expected of us in terms of what we should be doing and how we should be doing it. We will all receive constructive and timely feedback on how we have done. We will all ensure that we actively seek to develop and improve what we are doing for the benefit of patients. Doing the right things – Doing them the right way Doing things better
So what's the difference? Pay Progression On going discussions Set objectives Compliance with Statutory/Mandatory Training Meet KSF outline Meet BCUHB values Seek/give third party feedback Go through incremental pay point? Current BCUHB PADR On going discussions Set objectives Compliance with Statutory/Mandatory Training Meet KSF outline Meet BCUHB values
How will it work? Each year 8 to 12 weeks before the increment is due the employee (Appraisee) and manager (Appraiser) will meet to: –Review how well you have met your objectives. –Agree whether performance is satisfactory or unsatisfactory. If the review is satisfactory the increment will be paid. If the review is not satisfactory the increment will not be paid.
Core Objectives Must be linked to Service and Organisational Strategic Goals What am I expected to deliver? How should I do things? (Organisational Values) How can I develop/do things better? Must include the following 3 objectives: 1.Demonstrate Statutory & Mandatory Training compliance 2.Demonstrate meeting your KSF Post Outline 3.Demonstrate you are meeting BCHUB Values
Third Party Feedback Part of the new PADR and Pay Progression process requires both Appraiser and Appraisee to collect third-party feedback from a variety of sources in an agreed format. The Appraiser and Appraisee will agree on the type and quantity of feedback that is expected for the PADR review, eg., colleagues, partners, customers, stakeholders. This will help the Appraisee and Appraiser prepare and support the rating the Appraisee is given. NB: It is about good quality, meaningful feedback rather than excessive amounts. Use evidence already produced for relevant Professional Accreditation if appropriate.
PADR/Pay Progression Process Identify next incremental pay point, align PADR meeting. PADR meeting to be conducted 12 months prior to this date. Identify and agree Core & Developmental Objectives. Identify and agree Third party feedback. Identify KSF post outline (Gateway policy still applies). Appraiser to clearly state levels of performance expected. Discuss and agree Personal Development (PDP). Record on ESR/Paper Record form. Set date for next PADR/Pay progression meeting 8 to 12 weeks prior to next increment date.
When will it become effective? Band 7 and above –Increments after 1 st April 2016 Bands 5 and 6 –Increments after 1 st October 2016 Bands 1 to 4 –Increments after 1 st April 2017
Information All documents/information refer to PADR Web pages. Pay Progression Policy and FAQ. Appraiser guide to Process. Appraisee guide. Guide on Feedback - Appraisee/Appraiser. Revised PADR Paper Record Form.
Preparation What else does the appraiser need to do in order to prepare?
Core Objectives Must be linked to Service and Organisational Strategic Goals What am I expected to deliver? How should I do things? (Organisational Values) How can I develop/do things better? Must include the following 3 objectives: 1.Demonstrate Statutory & Mandatory Training compliance 2.Demonstrate meeting your KSF Post Outline 3.Demonstrate you are meeting BCHUB Values
Our Purpose: To Improve health and provide excellent care Our Strategic Goals:Our Values: Improve health and wellbeing for all and reduce health inequalities Work in partnership to design and deliver more care closer to home Improve the safety and outcomes of care to match the NHS’ best Respect individuals and maintain dignity in care Listen to and learn from the experiences of individuals Support, train and develop our staff to excel Use resources wisely, transforming services through innovation and research Put patients first Work together Value and respect each other Learn and innovate Communicate openly and honestly
Personal Development Objectives These are ambitious and aspirational taking the individual beyond current required competences. Supports further development of the individual and also forms part of the wider review. The number of development objectives needs to reflect the banding/role. Development Objectives are reviewed but will not be taken into account in determining an unsatisfactory performance
Objective Setting Practice In small groups work together to create an example of an effective objective (based on your current knowledge of setting objectives) Swap your objective with the table next to you Work through SMART criteria as a whole group adding suggestions and comments to the work you are looking at from the other group Have another go at creating the objective (based on your updated knowledge of SMART objectives) Group Poll (show of hands): – Are you clearer about how to use SMART following this exercise? – Are you more confident you understand what an effective objective would include following this exercise? – Would you be more comfortable exploring objectives with appraisees following this exercise?
KSF Generic Outlines Reminder KSF post outline levels are on grids, available on the PADR website (no approval required). Foundation and Full outline generic grids available. Levels are pre set per pay banding. Core levels cannot be changed. Specific Dimensions levels can be changed (depending on job role). A KSF outline is based on the competence required for the post, not the Individuals current skills and knowledge.
Knowledge and Skills Framework (KSF) KSF Structure 6 core dimensions (competences) 24 specific dimensions Each dimension has 4 levels Further supported by indicators What is it? A set of competencies that describes the knowledge & skills in a job role
Example of a Generic KSF Outline for a Band 5 Nurse
Using the KSF Outline You should know the reviewee well enough. Observation, regular meetings and review should ensure you can discuss and review examples of practice. Discuss and agree any areas for development.
Third Party Feedback Part of the new PADR and Pay Progression process requires both Appraiser and Appraisee to collect third-party feedback from a variety of sources in an agreed format. The Appraiser and Appraisee will agree on the type and quantity of feedback that is expected for the PADR review, eg., colleagues, partners, customers, stakeholders. This will help the Appraisee and Appraiser prepare and support the rating the Appraisee is given. NB: It is about good quality, meaningful feedback rather than excessive amounts. Use evidence already produced for relevant Professional Accreditation if appropriate.
Strengths, skills, talents and resources * Our own observations over time. Feedback from senior colleagues, peers, direct reports, service users. Appraisee’s reflections, shared discussion during review Review of KSF Post Outline, Core & Developmental Objectives, Stat/Mandatory Training & Values Use of competence-based examples of practice * Last year’s PADR and Objectives. Evaluating Performance
The increment will not be paid. Work with manager to agree a plan to improve. If the expectations were not met through no fault of your own the increment will be received. Review by managers manager can be requested if you disagree with the outcome. What happens if the performance is judged to be unsatisfactory?
Giving Feedback during Appraisal Behaviour: – What, how, when, where, with whom specifically Impact (+/-) – On self, other, team, inter-team working, BCU Consequences (+/-) – On self, other, team, inter-team working, BCU Actions – What needs to continue/stop/do differently
Practising Feedback In threes (1 appraiser, 1 appraisee, 1 observer) practice using BICA First spend 10 mins each coming up with an example each of an area of positive practice and an area for further development For inspiration think about the people you’ll be appraising – what are they good at, what might they need to work on some more? You can also use our BCU Values as example areas and/or the 6 Core Dimensions of KSF: – Communication; Personal & People Development; Health, Safety & Security; Service Improvement, Quality; Equality & Diversity
Record Keeping Record outcomes in ESR/PADR paper form. Can upload PADR paper form to ESR. Board Reporting - If no access to ESR, must use monthly PADR reporting form send to ABH in box. If Increment is to be withheld complete the Pay Progression form (in development) and send to Payroll. Disagreement with outcomes If Appraisee does not agree with the decision ask for Managers Manager to review (use PADR/Pay progression paper form to record).
Recording the PADR Recording PADR electronically using ESR 0Appraisals%20updated%2018%206%2014%20pdf.pdf PADR Paper Form
Key areas within the PADR Core and Development Objectives Statutory/Mandatory Compliance Organisational Values Third Party Feedback Knowledge and Skills Framework (KSF) Personal Development Plan (PDP)
Good Practice Have regular conversations during the year. Ask for feedback from your Appraiser/Manager. Appraiser to give timely constructive feedback. If Appraisee is struggling to meet Objectives and role during the year, discussions must take place and an Improvement plan agreed. Consult Capability Policy. If Appraisee is unable to meet what is expected though no fault of their own, then the Increment will be paid.
Image courtesy of foto76/ Key messages Consider how you are going to raise awareness of the implementation of the new Pay Progression Policy and the implications for your staff and their appraisals. PADR compliance – your next steps: Check compliance re statutory/mandatory training. Discuss and review examples of practice and current level of competence overall – refer to objectives and PDP set during previous PADR. Pick areas of strength and development to discuss from the KSF Outline & Values. Set new SMART core objectives aligned to organisational and team/ward objectives. Set developmental objectives to take individual beyond current required competencies. Develop a PDP Make brief notes of the discussion but ensure you capture the main points and decisions. Record on PADR form / ESR