The Nuremberg Trials lasted a little over a year. 24 Nazis were put on trial. 12 were sentenced to death 2 died before the trial was over 3 were acquitted and the rest were given prison terms ranging from years.
Highest Nazi officials were contained in high security cells prior to trial
At the Nuremberg Trials the Nazis sat in the defendant box and wore headphones that provided translations of the hearing
24 Nazi leaders were tried
The Judges
Charges Pending Count 1- CONSPIRACY (to commit the following crimes) Count 2- CRIMES AGAINST PEACE (planning, preparing, starting, or waging aggressive war) Count 3- WAR CRIMES including violations of law or customs of war Count 4- CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY murder, extermination, enslavement, persecution on racial grounds, involuntary deportment, inhumane acts against civilian populations
Conspiracy Karl Doenitz Hans Frank Goering and Funk Hitler’s Cabinet
Crimes against Peace
War Crimes Hans Frank AKA ‘The Slayer of Poles’ Polish POW’s
Crimes Against Humanity
The Punishments 20 Years Years Years- 1 Life in Prison- 3 Death Penalty- 12 Acquitted- 3 Didn’t make it to the trial- 2
After the bombing stopped Million people dead 50 million homeless London, Warsaw and Berlin in Ruins
Many people tried to stay where they were and rebuild their lives.
Millions of people including survivors of concentration camps, prisoners of war, and Soviet Union refugees migrated throughout Europe.
Starvation hit hard in August of ,000 citizens in Berlin died everyday!
What problem did the German, French, and Italian governments have after World War II? Vichy President
New governments would have to be put in place, what were the 2 most popular types of government at this time?
During the war, most resistance fighters (people fighting the Nazis) were Communist.
What was the economic condition of most post war European countries?
The Communist governments gained support b/c of terrible economies in Europe. But then they make a BIG mistake!
As the economies started to strengthen the Communists lost more and more support.
Japan General MacArthur (the Mac Daddy!) was in charge of the Japanese occupation. If you were MacArthur, what would you do first? -Create a democracy -Have a trial for the War Criminals -Demilitarization (disband the Japanese forces) -Write a Constitution for Japan
After 6 months the US left Japan, it was officially a democracy with no military. Their economy improved greatly and the US became their ally.
The US also came out of WWII allied with the USSR, but drastic ideological differences soon after caused great strain between the two super powers!
The United Nations created the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
Yalta Conference Before WWII ended these 3 got together and decided the following...
German y Berlin
Stalin put communist governments into countries the USSR occupied during WWII. He claimed control of these countries at Yalta. Satellite Nations
Winston Churchill coins the phrase “Iron Curtain”
FDR died and Truman met with Churchill and Stalin, this time things were different... “I see a war in your futures.” Let those nations have free elections! I see your mouth moving, but I don’t understand what you’re trying to say.
Truman adopted a containment policy in the Truman Doctrine. What do you think the goal of his containment policy was? You can’t hurt me bug because you are CONTAINED!! You better hope I don’t get out of here little girl or I’m flying right into that big mouth of yours!
General Marshall wanted to give money to European countries to rebuild and fight off communism. Congress isn’t down with this until Czechoslovakia falls to communism $12.5 billion is approved for the Marshall plan Money for ALL countries fighting communism!
‘At Yalta, both Britain and the USA had to accept less than what they had hoped for.’ Read the full text of the agreement and see what evidence you can find to a) support and b) challenge this assertion.