Beth Blalock, Asst. Chief Land Protection Branch GEORGIA EPD LAND PROTECTION BRANCH UPDATE MARCH 2016
Updates Upcoming changes to policies 2 OVERVIEW
3 BRANCH ORGANIZATION Jeff Cown, Branch Chief William Cook, Program Manager, Solid Waste MSW & Industrial Landfills Environmental Monitoring Surface Mining Waste Reduction Scrap Tire Compliance Lon Revall, Program Manager, UST Inspections & Enforcement Private Party Cleanups EPD Managed Cleanups Jim Brown, Program Manager, HW Corrective Action RCRA Remediation NPL Sites Risk Assessment Jane Hendricks, Program Manager, HW Management RCRA Permitted Facilities HW Generators DOD Facilities Jason Metzger Program Manager, Response & Remediation HSI & Abandoned Sites HSRA Remediation Voluntary Remediation Brownfields Beth Blalock, Assistant Branch Chief Lead & Asbestos
29,261 Underground Storage Tanks 7,503 Scrap Tire Generators 4,992 Hazardous Waste Generators 2,297 Asbestos Projects 821 Surface Mining Permits 536 Hazardous Sites Inventory 4 BY THE NUMBERS
380 Remediation Projects 136 Scrap Tire Piles 77 RCRA TSD Facilities 16 NPL Sites 203 Permitted Landfills 5 BY THE NUMBERS 66 Inert 53 MSW 42 Industrial 42 C&D
6 SOLID WASTE DISPOSED IN GEORGIA Year Per Capita MSW Disposed (tons lbs/perso n)
Adopted by DNR Board August 26, 2015 and became effective October 28, 2015 Incorporates HB226 changes Clarifies existing language Updates requirements to reflect changes in the industry Includes definition for “beneficial reuse” Revises requirements for processors, generators, carriers and tire storage Adds requirements for used tire management Amends manifest requirements 10 RECENT REGULATIONS SCRAP TIRE RULE REVISION CHAPTER
Federal Rule Effective July 13, 2015 Major Provisions Retaining generator-controlled exclusions with strengthened requirements. Replacing transfer-based exclusion with verified recycler exclusion. Codifying definition of legitimate recycling with built-in recognition for closed-loop recycling and commodity-grade materials. Finalizing remanufacturing exclusion for certain higher-value spent solvents. Strengthening existing variance and non-waste determination provisions. 11 PROPOSED REGULATIONS 2015 DEFINITION OF SOLID WASTE
Federal rule effective October 19, 2015 GA EPD will propose to adopt rule Looking at any additions/exceptions that may be needed in GA Also looking at a Rule for the CCR Impoundments that will be exempt from the Federal Rule Currently evaluating the federal Rule and how the proposed state Rule should look 12 PROPOSED REGULATIONS COAL COMBUSTION ASH RESIDUALS
Federal rule effective October 13, 2015 New O&M requirements: Periodic walkthrough inspections Spill, overfill & containment sumps tested every three years Annual testing of release detection equipment Removes deferrals for emergency generator tanks, field constructed USTs & airport hydrants Requires demonstration of fuel compatibility with UST system (>10% ethanol, >20% biodiesel) 13 PROPOSED REGULATIONS UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANKS
14 HB 1028 Requires notification by owner/operator of a MSWLF must notify government of a “release”
Actuarial Study Findings Large unfunded liabilities $400M in claim payments over life of Fund More than 47% of payments went to facilities no longer in the fund Recommendations Annual compliance inspections Lower cleanup costs Tank fees to assist fund management 15 UST INITIATIVES
Lean Six Sigma Concern about cost of UST cleanups and ability of GUST fund to meet future needs Effort begun in June 2015 to analyze factors contributing to cleanup costs and identify opportunities to reduce costs without reducing environmental protections or significantly increasing project review time Closure, CAP-A, CAP-B, risk based corrective action and off-gas treatment guidance being revised; external stakeholder input will be sought New information system 16 UST INITIATIVES
LPB has set up a Risk Assessment Evaluation Team Team Goals Evaluate risk assessment methods employed throughout the land branch programs Broadly discuss any required updates and/or changes that may be needed based on our findings Evaluate the consistency of how risk assessment may be conducted in the future 17 RISK ASSESSMENT INITIATIVE
18 AUTOMATED SYSTEMS Land Branch: UST, Scrap Tire, Brownfield New information management system in beta testing Will improve tracking of regulated entities and enforcement actions Public portal