课堂教案编写及写作兴趣的引导 英国华文教育交流研究会 2013 年 11 月 1 日 宋连谊
Part 1 课堂教案编写 Part 2 写作兴趣的引导
基本信息 人数、水平(初、中、高) 成人 / 孩子 (华裔 / 非华裔) 学年 / 学期(总教学周) 课时频度、课时长度 有无教材 (指定 vs. 自选) 有无考试 (考核形式、频度、成绩) 教具、设备 (座位排列形式) 单独任课还是与他人合教
Course Design vs. Lesson Planning Course 一门课 Lesson 一堂课 Curriculum 教学大纲 / 课程设置 A curriculum is a planned sequence of learning experiences. Syllabus 教学计划 / 教学内容 an outline or other brief statement of the main points of a discourse, the subjects of a course of lectures, the contents of a curriculum, etc.
Senior Teaching Fellow in Chinese Language and Cultures SOAS, University of London Department of the Languages and Cultures of China and Inner Asia Closing date: 12 November 2013 Fixed Term: January September 2017 Salary: £32,558 – 38,432 p.a
The successful candidate will be expected to teach on the department’s existing postgraduate and undergraduate courses in Chinese language and culture and to act as convenor for some courses. Courses most likely to be assigned will be in modern Chinese language, literature, and film, and possibly (depending on expertise) in classical language and literature. You will also play an active role in supervising BA year-abroad research projects and BA dissertations.
You will be required to take an active role in administering tutorial/seminar sessions and assessments; setting and marking of exam papers and other coursework; providing pedagogic advice to students; collaborating with colleagues and departmental staff; undertaking teaching- related or administrative duties in accordance with the grade of the post.
Case study Dear Ms ---, Temporary Instructorship in Chinese I am pleased to inform you that the selection committee for the above post has short-listed you for interview. It is proposed to hold interviews on Tuesday 20th July 2010 in the Oriental Institute, Pusey Lane, Oxford, OX1 2LE. The selection committee will consist of: …
Case study The interview will last a total of 40 minutes, from 11.00am am, and will be structured as follows: 1. Two specimen classes (10 minutes each + 5 minutes for questions from the committee) First you will be asked to give two 10-minute sample classes as outlined in the enclosed exercise sheet. For the purposes of this exercise, the selection committee will impersonate the students you are teaching.
Case study 2. General Interview (15 minutes) The specimen class and the questions on it will be followed immediately by a general interview. During the interview the committee will ask you questions relating to the selection criteria that were provided in the further particulars for the post, for which no special preparation is required. ………………………………..
Case study 1.You are teaching Chinese grammar to a group of beginners. Please explain the functions of the particle 了 that are used in the following sentences. 我们已经学了第五课了。 我第五课学了两遍了,不想再学了。
Structure of a lesson Beginning -revision -late students -test Main part -Attention span (adult vs. children) -VARIED tasks / exercises Ending -Qs & As -Summary -Homework
Structure of a lesson PPP presentation, practice, and production
Structure of a lesson Sometimes the three P's aren't obvious at first, but the following type of lesson is fairly common and is a form of PPP: Lead In (introduce the topic) Reading 1 (skimming: reading for gist) Reading 2 (scanning for specific information) [when, where, who, what, why, which, how, etc.] Language Focus (completing discovery tasks that draw attention to a certain grammatical point) Practice 1 (controlled practice, such as writing 2-3 sentences using that grammar) Practice 2 (freer practice, such as doing a role-play in pairs)
The layout of lesson plans Stage NameProcedureStage Aims I. Warm-up 5 min. T-S - Talk about weekend - Revision / dictation (old and/or new words) - Relax - Get started 2. Main text/ grammar point(s) - Present sample sentences - Watch a video clip - Introducing new grammar
The layout of lesson plans Stage NameProcedureStage Aims 3. Activities/ Tasks / Exercises 1.Pair work 2.Fill in blanks 3.Complete a sentence Practice grammar point(s) 4. Homework 1.Write 3-5 sentences using the structure 2. Memorise 5-10 字 Consolidate what has been learned
M 班 年度教学进度安排 第一学期 日期 教学周教学内容 9 月 14 日第1周第1周第9课第9课文具一 9 月 21 日第2周第2周第9课第9课文具一 9 月 28 日第3周第3周第9课第9课文具二 10 月 5 日第4周第4周第9课第9课文具二及练习册 及单元复习 10 月 12 日第5周第5周第 10 课菜市场 Text 1 10 月 19 日第6周第6周第 10 课菜市场 Text 1 10 月 26 日期中假期 11 月 2 日第7周第7周第 10 课菜市场 Text 2 11 月 9 日第8周第8周第 10 课菜市场 Text 2 11 月 16 日第9周第9周第 11 课零食 Text 1 11 月 23 日第 10 周第 11 课零食 Text 1 11 月 30 日第 11 周第 11 课零食 Text 2 12 月 7 日第 12 周第 11 课零食 Text 2 12 月 14 日第 13 周圣诞联欢会 12 月 21 日 -1 月 04 日 圣诞节假期
Chinese I Term 2 Course Plan Week Lesson LectureHomework W1L5Test paper + L5 practiceAdditional exercises W2L6Lesson 6 GrammarCopy all L6 characters W3L6Lesson 6 PracticeL6 exercises: p78 W4L7Lesson 7 GrammarCopy L7 characters W5L7Lesson 7 PracticeL7 exercises: p90
Chinese I Term 2 Course Plan Week Lesson LectureHomework W1L5Test paper + L5 practiceAdditional exercises W2L6Lesson 6 GrammarCopy all L6 characters W3L6Lesson 6 PracticeL6 exercises: p78 W4L7Lesson 7 GrammarCopy L7 characters W5L7Lesson 7 PracticeL7 exercises: p90
Sample lesson plans Colloquial Chinese 《汉语口语》 by P.C. T’ung & Pollard (1984, Routledge) the Pinyin version AND the SIMPLIFIED Character version or the TRADITIONAL Character version