What is a Pacing Guide? Definition of Pacing Guides How are Pacing Guides utilized? Use of Pacing Guides What is the process of writing a Pacing Guide? Process of Writing Pacing Guides What does the research say about Pacing Guides? Pacing Guide example Current Research Pros and Cons
Pacing Guide Use By The District Pacing Guide Use By Teachers Pacing Guide Use By School Administration
Know the State Standards for that Subject Know the Content that has been outlined Use a calendar to adjust timings, dates & test schedules Compre- hensively align content covered with State standards and dates Give enough space for teachers to cover material with remediation PACING GUIDE WRITING PROCESS
Pacing Guide Example CMS World History Curriculum Pacing Guide Week One Goal/Objective Week One Goal/Objective 08/25/2010 Day 1: Introduction & Basic Map Skills /26/2010 Day 2: Map Skills & Ancient Empires 2.01, , 8.02 & /27/2010 Day 3: Classical Greece: Early Greece [Chapter 5, Section 1 (pp )] 2.02, 6.03 & 8.01 Week Two Week Two 08/30/2010 Day 4: Classical Greece: The Classical Age [Chapter 5, Section 2 (pp )] 08/31/2010 Day 5: Classical Greece: Greek Achievements [Chapter 5, Section 3 (pp )] 09/01/2010 Day 6: Classical Greece: Alexander the Great and His Legacy [Chapter 5, Section 4 (pp )] 09/02/2010 Day 7: Classical Greece: Wrap-up & TEST 09/03/2010 Day 8: Rome & Early Christianity: The Foundations of Rome [Chapter 6, Section 1 (pp )] 2.03, 6.03 & Week Three Week Three 09/07/2010 Day 9: Rome & Early Christianity: From Republic to Empire [Chapter 6, Section 2 (pp )] 09/08/2010 Day 10: Rome & Early Christianity: Roman Society and Culture [Chapter 6, Section 3 (pp )] Week Four Week Four 09/13/2010 Day 11: Rome & Early Christianity: The Rise of Christianity [Chapter 6, Section 4 (pp )] 09/14/2010 Day 12: Rome & Early Christianity: The Fall of Rome [Chapter 6, Section 5 (pp )] 09/15/2010 Day 13: TEST on Ancient World
References David, J. (2008). Pacing Guides. Educational Leadership, 66(2), Retrieved from Academic Search Premier database. Louis, K. S., Febey, K., & Schroeder, R. (2005). State-mandated accountability in high schools: Teachers' interpretations of a new era. Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis, 27(20), Photographs: Bill Staples