Recommendations based on current scientific evidence: Adults Working Group Welcome to the workshop on the UK physical activity guidance for adults We will ‘work’ through some of the discussions and I will show some the current version – your comments and concerns can be fed back into the process
Consensus Meeting Web Consultation Technical Report Working Papers The Process Revised Papers
Web Consultation Technical Report The Process Revised Working Papers CMO report Communications: agenda, planning, and implementation Sedentary review outputs from separate work by Stuart Biddle undertaken for DH Possible Interim report from DH in lead up to CMO
Recommendations based on current scientific evidence: Adults Working Group The discussion around Volume (and pattern) What the scientific evidence suggested
Recommendations based on current scientific evidence: Adults Working Group Recommendation #1 The current scientific evidence does continue to support the health benefits of the volume of activity stated in the current UK guidelines on PA, namely, 5 x 30 minutes of moderate -intensity physical activity per week. Recommendation #2 The UK guidelines should maintain the focus of 30 min x 5 days/week moderate intensity (aerobic) activity and note this equates to a volume of 150 min/week of moderate intensity activity. Recommendation #3 The UK guidelines should note that there are multiple ways of accumulating the total of 150 min. per week of moderate intensity activity, and 5 x 30 is one of them. Recommendation # 13 The UK guidelines should retain the recommendation that physical activity is undertaken regularly across the week (such as 5 or more times/week) because of the evidence of acute effects on biochemical markers and because it can encourage regular activities undertaken as part of daily lifestyle such as active travel through walking and cycling.
Recommendations based on current scientific evidence: Adults Working Group In groups of 3 or 4 What kind of recommendation should come forward from this?
Recommendations based on current scientific evidence: Adults Working Group Recommendations Volume (and Pattern) The UK guidelines should encourage regular physical activity of at least 150 minutes per week This total volume of physical activity should be spread across the week 5 x 30 is one example of how this volume can be achieved
Recommendations based on current scientific evidence: Adults Working Group How the current recommendation (to the writing group) reads: The UK guidelines should encourage adults to engage in moderate-intensity aerobic physical activity for at least 150 minutes per week; this physical activity should be spread across the week; and engaging in at least 30 minutes on 5 or more days each week is one example of how this volume can be achieved.
Recommendations based on current scientific evidence: Adults Working Group Any comments or concerns?
Recommendations based on current scientific evidence: Adults Working Group Recommendation # 11 The UK physical activity guidelines should retain a statement recognizing that activity can be accumulated through shorter bouts of at least 10 minutes or more of moderate intensity activity agreed
Recommendations based on current scientific evidence: Adults Working Group Any comments or concerns?
Recommendations based on current scientific evidence: Adults Working Group The discussion around Intensity What the scientific evidence suggested
Recommendations based on current scientific evidence: Adults Working Group Recommendation # 8 The UK physical activity guidelines should include a specific statement recognizing the health benefits of vigorous intensity physical activity and indicate that for health benefits (metabolic): 75 mins of vigorous activity = 150 mins moderate Question? Should guidance include the vigorous intensity?
Recommendations based on current scientific evidence: Adults Working Group How the current recommendation (to the writing group) reads: The UK Physical Activity Guidelines for adults should recognize that vigorous- intensity activity also provides health benefits for adults, and that 75 minutes of vigorous-intensity activity (also spread across the week) provides comparable health benefits to 150 minutes of moderate-intensity activity.
Recommendations based on current scientific evidence: Adults Working Group Any comments or concerns?
Recommendations based on current scientific evidence: Adults Working Group Recommendation # 9 The UK physical activity guidelines should recognize that combinations of moderate- and vigorous-intensity activities can provides health benefits and this represents another way of achieving the recommended target volume of activity. Agreed
Recommendations based on current scientific evidence: Adults Working Group The discussion around Strength What the scientific evidence suggested
Recommendations based on current scientific evidence: Adults Working Group Recommendation # 15 The UK physical activity guidelines for adults and for older adults should include a specific recommendation to undertake muscle strengthening activities involving the major muscle groups of the body on two or more days per week Issues to discuss: Just doing 150 mins of aerobic activity (no resistance activity) brings health benefits Resistance training can form part of the 150 minutes or is it in addition? Resistance training should not constitute ALL of the 150 mins Is there an age related benefit??
Recommendations based on current scientific evidence: Adults Working Group In groups of 3 or 4 What kind of recommendation should come forward from this?
Recommendations based on current scientific evidence: Adults Working Group Age related benefit
Recommendations based on current scientific evidence: Adults Working Group How the current recommendation (to the writing group) reads: The UK Physical Activity Guidelines for adults should include a specific recommendation to undertake muscle strengthening activities involving the major muscle groups of the body on two or more days per week. Time spent undertaking muscle strengthening activities should be in addition to the primary recommendation of 150 minutes. Although there is currently insufficient evidence to determine an optimal regimen for this muscle strengthening activity, an example of a regimen that has been shown to be beneficial should be included in the explanatory guidance that accompanies the guidelines.
Recommendations based on current scientific evidence: Adults Working Group Any comments or concerns?
Recommendations based on current scientific evidence: Adults Working Group Recommendation # 17 The UK guidelines for adults and older adults should recognise the benefits of physical activity in improving flexibility but no specific quantification or recommendation on type frequency duration or total volume should be attempted as there is insufficient evidence agreed
Recommendations based on current scientific evidence: Adults Working Group The discussion around Weight loss and maintenance
Recommendations based on current scientific evidence: Adults Working Group Recommendation # 18 (Adult and Older Adult) The UK physical activity guidelines should emphasise the health benefits of activity for those adults who are already overweight or obese. They should indicate that overweight and obese adults achieving the recommended weekly volume of activity (5 x 30/ 150 minutes/week) will gain multiple health benefits even in the absence of reductions in body weight. Recommendation # 19 (Adult and Older Adult) The UK physical activity guidelines should indicate that weight management may require an additional amount of activity beyond the primary recommendation of 150 min/week and include a decrease in caloric intake.
Recommendations based on current scientific evidence: Adults Working Group The UK Physical Activity Guidelines for adults should emphasise the health benefits of activity for those adults who are already overweight or obese. They should indicate that overweight and obese adults achieving the recommended weekly volume of activity (5 x 30/ 150 minutes/week) will gain multiple health benefits even in the absence of reductions in body weight.
Recommendations based on current scientific evidence: Adults Working Group The UK Physical Activity Guidelines for adults should recognise that physical activity has an important role in healthy weight management and body composition. They should also indicate that attaining a healthy weight may require an additional amount of activity beyond the primary recommendation of 150 mins/week and/or include a decrease in caloric intake through dietary modifications.
Recommendations based on current scientific evidence: Adults Working Group Any comments or concerns?