PMI Heartland 02/20/13 February Luncheon: Project Management Tools & Techniques Anissa Goyal Stein
Today PM Tools & techniques Emerging trends Your turn
Project Management Tools and Techniques (PMTT) by Knowledge Area
Expert rating (based on their perception): frequency of use of each PMTT
Project Phases and PMTT Project Managers, I was absolutely wrong here from what I stated in my presentation. The list contains only those tools specific to that project phases. But as Mary pointed out those PMTT within each phase are alphabetized.
Notations by Measures of Success
Notations by Measures of Success (cont.) For example: in the planning phase, cost baseline significantly contributes to the project success based on cost (S2), while the use of bottom-up estimate and bar chart is counterproductive (show a negative value with S2). The use of CPM significantly contributes to time (S1), cost (S2), and quality (S3) success measures and the use of hierarchical schedule contributes to the customer satisfaction (S4 and S5) and overall success (S8).
Trends Tried and True ◦ Telephone or conference calls ◦ Web links ◦ Interactive video conferencing (e.g., WebEx, Live Meeting, Skype, Face Time,, Google+, etc.) ◦ Blogs ◦ PowerPoint Collaborative / Software ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ Kanban Tool ◦ And of course, MS Project, Primavera and the like
Trends Increasing in Popularity ◦ Voice-thread ◦ Podcasts ◦ Wikis ◦ Online portfolios (TaskStream) ◦ WebMarker ◦ Social networking sites (e.g. Twitter, etc.) ◦ Online discussion board/community (e.g. Google Groups, etc.) ◦ Video (e.g. YouTube, etc.) ◦ Prezi ◦ Screen capture or recording (Camtasia, Captivate, Jing, Screencast-o-matic) ◦ Voki (animated avatar) ◦ Adobe Suite (Photoshop, Illustrator, DreamWeaver, Flash, Fireworks, Acrobat Pro) ◦ Diigo (social bookmarking website) ◦ Wallwisher (online bulletin board) ◦ Document sharing (e.g. Dropbox, Google Docs, etc.) ◦ Texting / Texting blasts
More Tools and Techniques provides collaboration, sharing and project tools Planzone – Collaborative Project Management Software: keeps track of your projects, create blogs & reports, manage your tasks and share documents. 5pm: used to track how far you are with your projects (online and mobile) CoMindWork: track the progress of your projects & sharing with clients, how long until the project be finished. You can send s and post the progress of your projects WORKetc: keep track of your projects, help customers, bill clients, share documents without ! ProWorkFlow: combines project management, workflow and time tracking Claromentis Project Manager Software: provides Gantt charts, project resource allocations (to share project- related resources) and keep track of your projects’ progress.
References Tables courtesy of ◦ Patanakul, P., Iewwongcharoen, B., & Milosevic, D. (2010, Spring). An empirical study on the use of project management tools and techniques across project life-cycle and their impact on project success. Journal of General Management 35(3), Website of benefit as well: ◦ management-tools/ Thank you! Anissa Goyal Stein
Your Turn … What are you currently using? What would you recommend and why? ◦ Some of the ideas shared by all of you: Microsoft Outlook, Link, OneNote Lotus Notes Educreations iPad app Dropbox smartphone & tablet app And many more. ◦ Thank you again for participating!